A Fallout concept album?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
I've been sitting on some ideas for a good bit in my ragged studio. And it's more so something I'm thinking of doing in the near future. A thought for a potential Fallout themed concept album that tells its own story through music and could be seen as being apart of the universe, or not. My idea comes from having listened to a shit load of Pink Floyd and Coheed and Cambria recently and I know that theyre bands that are perfect at the art of storytelling through music while maintaining great music quality (Music First) and the such. My question is- Would I have to jump through copyright hoops with Besthesda to get such an idea published in album format? What advice could yall give me here at NMA? And could I present a rough draft at some point to get insight on making sure the story is faithful to everything Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas establishes and respects lore while making its own lore? I do want it to tell a story of its own, and set it in a different part of the continental U.S. during the earlier post great war years.
Music wise- It'd be more in line with Progressive Thrash Metal with Black metal influences. A combination of Voivod, Mekong Delta, Obliveon meets Vektor, Marduk, and Darkthrone. I already know who to ask when it comes to music related advice there. But do tell, any thoughts?
Cool idea! I can't answer your question but I like the idea.
Thanks. I think my biggest issue will be worrying about copyright infringement. Idk how serious bethesda is about someone using the Fallout IP in a ficticious manner in a similar capacity to a dlc length mod that happens to be a concept album
They have threatened people for Fallout based Iphone themes.
Jesus. So id be taking a big risk if I tried to make such an album huh? A grand cease and desist all to honor the legacy of the first two games and make something that could fit the narrative of the falloutverse. Dammit
So what you do is you design the album art with parody Fallout/other pa inspired stuff. If it is meant to be satirical (at least in part) you can get away with it. Don't laser focus on Fallout. Focus on stuff like Wasteland as well maybe, but definitely do what you want and just wait and see what happens because unless the lyrics are like "DOWN IN NCR I BANGED A GHOUL NAMED HAROLD" you should be relatively ok.

So you have uhhh Bunker Boy with black hair and a different color suit on ya dig?
So what you do is you design the album art with parody Fallout/other pa inspired stuff. If it is meant to be satirical (at least in part) you can get away with it. Don't laser focus on Fallout. Focus on stuff like Wasteland as well maybe, but definitely do what you want and just wait and see what happens because unless the lyrics are like "DOWN IN NCR I BANGED A GHOUL NAMED HAROLD" you should be relatively ok.

So you have uhhh Bunker Boy with black hair and a different color suit on ya dig?
Should i also blast out any mention of "Vault 97"? Because at least in the first song itd be an intro to open up the story in a way thats make ssnse with some dialogue between the protagonist and the overseer?
Should i also blast out any mention of "Vault 97"? Because at least in the first song itd be an intro to open up the story in a way thats make ssnse with some dialogue between the protagonist and the overseer?
You could just switch the numbers around and call it Vault 69 or something.
I've been sitting on some ideas for a good bit in my ragged studio. And it's more so something I'm thinking of doing in the near future. A thought for a potential Fallout themed concept album that tells its own story through music and could be seen as being apart of the universe, or not. My idea comes from having listened to a shit load of Pink Floyd and Coheed and Cambria recently and I know that theyre bands that are perfect at the art of storytelling through music while maintaining great music quality (Music First) and the such. My question is- Would I have to jump through copyright hoops with Besthesda to get such an idea published in album format? What advice could yall give me here at NMA? And could I present a rough draft at some point to get insight on making sure the story is faithful to everything Fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas establishes and respects lore while making its own lore? I do want it to tell a story of its own, and set it in a different part of the continental U.S. during the earlier post great war years.
Music wise- It'd be more in line with Progressive Thrash Metal with Black metal influences. A combination of Voivod, Mekong Delta, Obliveon meets Vektor, Marduk, and Darkthrone. I already know who to ask when it comes to music related advice there. But do tell, any thoughts?

My thoughts are can you crank it chitty bop doo whop ba pop pop bata bop
Also throw in a rap album about how Tom Hardy practically sexually assaulted Charlize Theron on the set of Mad Max Fury Road by making a mean face at her when he showed up late to work. If you use all of the advice listed thus far there is no way you will fail.
Well Vault 97 was used in Fallout 76 so you’d be more likely to run into copyright problems with Bethesda than Vault 69.
GODDAMIT BETHESDA. I HAD LORE FOR THAT VAULT PLANNED OUT SINCE 2017! Originally my lore for Vault 97 would be a Vault located under Fort Bragg NC and would consist of military families under direct orders and direct control of the Enclave and eventual mutiny from others who saw them for what they are early on. The story wouldve been set 36 years after the War
I will let you steal my Fallout: Motor City concept since it is not really original and anybody could think of it.
Universal music studios music prod. Has a lot of post apocalyptic themed music and they're pretty good, but the tags, and names are messy which is why you'll have to scour yourself.
Universal music studios music prod. Has a lot of post apocalyptic themed music and they're pretty good, but the tags, and names are messy which is why you'll have to scour yourself.
Likely so. if it were possible id make the album's story a trilogy to cover the foundations of a new republic, or two being built in the ruins of the Carolinas with some level of Pre War government's direct involvement ultimately showing the great flaws of a government that's ultimately ghoulified in itself and yet harbor mass prejudice against ghouls. and how those two governments come into direct conflict with the weapons left behind from the previous war. Also the ordeals of seeing a character ultimately shape the fate of the region on his or her's travels.