Still Mildly Glowing

gotta agree with rise on this one.
setting a fallout game in Europe removes too much of the fallout branding. hell just moving it to the east coast created huge problems that were lazily solved with "ah fuck it just shove west coast stuff in there".
Not really. Look at Code Geass, which is alternate history just like the Fallout games. That anime is set in a timeline where things went REALLY well for Britain for the most part. The Romans get booted out of Britain, Queen Elizabeth I has male heirs, the American Revolution fails, and the Holy Britannian Empire ends up conquering about a third of the globe after losing the British Isles to Napoleonic France. While the first two seasons were mainly set in Japan, Akito the Exiled was set in Europe. It didn't lose any of the feel. Same idea with a Fallout game set outside the U.S. You're just looking at the alternate timeline from a different part of the world.