Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Hello, I'm largely a lurker here (in fallout general modding, actually) but I've made a few mods I wanted to share with the community. They're in the spirit of a more rewarding or challenging FNV, but your mileage may vary.
1. Classic Companion Configurator
Tones down companion strength while being completely modular. Companions cripple limbs and stay hurt just like the Courier. Support for companion use of drugs directly out of their inventory, running away from combat, truly passive companions and a lot more. I'm quite proud of this one, and I hope some of you find it a nice change. There is an optional HP table for companions only, to make them less god-like.
Main Screen -- Run Away screen
2. Fully Integrated DLC Items
Instead of starting a new game and immediately being given a handful of items (tribal / mercenary / wasteland / kleenax pack), the items are spread around the Mojave. Only way to get a weathered 10mm is off the cold dead hands of your enemies. Integrates the preorder DLC items into the game world loot and even a few new recipes. Care has been paid to not make the items common.
3. Better grenade throwing
The range of throwing weapons (grenades, spears, etc) will now scale based on player strength. At 1 STR, the default range (actually measured in projectile velocity) is 84% of normal, and increases at 8% / STR point. This results in the normal range at STR 3, and 156% range at STR 10. Heave Ho! still increases throwing range by 50% above and beyond the modified range. Timers have been increased a small amount to avoid mid-air explosion. Optional versions are included that increases the damage / radius of most explosives, and a "detonate on impact only" version.
4. The .223 Pistol
I made a little mod that changed 'That Gun' into the .223 Pistol and put it up on the nexus. I also replaced the New Vegas firing sound with original from Fallout 1 / Fallout 2's RP. It's moddable with a double trigger (increasing firing speed) and laser sight (decrease spread), which you can find being sold around the wastes.
5. No FNV Launcher and Main Menu Music
Does what it says.
1. Classic Companion Configurator
Tones down companion strength while being completely modular. Companions cripple limbs and stay hurt just like the Courier. Support for companion use of drugs directly out of their inventory, running away from combat, truly passive companions and a lot more. I'm quite proud of this one, and I hope some of you find it a nice change. There is an optional HP table for companions only, to make them less god-like.
Main Screen -- Run Away screen
2. Fully Integrated DLC Items
Instead of starting a new game and immediately being given a handful of items (tribal / mercenary / wasteland / kleenax pack), the items are spread around the Mojave. Only way to get a weathered 10mm is off the cold dead hands of your enemies. Integrates the preorder DLC items into the game world loot and even a few new recipes. Care has been paid to not make the items common.
3. Better grenade throwing
The range of throwing weapons (grenades, spears, etc) will now scale based on player strength. At 1 STR, the default range (actually measured in projectile velocity) is 84% of normal, and increases at 8% / STR point. This results in the normal range at STR 3, and 156% range at STR 10. Heave Ho! still increases throwing range by 50% above and beyond the modified range. Timers have been increased a small amount to avoid mid-air explosion. Optional versions are included that increases the damage / radius of most explosives, and a "detonate on impact only" version.
4. The .223 Pistol
I made a little mod that changed 'That Gun' into the .223 Pistol and put it up on the nexus. I also replaced the New Vegas firing sound with original from Fallout 1 / Fallout 2's RP. It's moddable with a double trigger (increasing firing speed) and laser sight (decrease spread), which you can find being sold around the wastes.
5. No FNV Launcher and Main Menu Music
Does what it says.