A group of Legionaries run up to you...


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
One says "You are marked for death by Caesar and the Legion obeys. Prepare yourself for death!"

How do you reply? :monocle:
My usual response is to look really surprised for a second, spring a wide-eyed maniacal grin, pop a Turbo, pop a Slasher, run towards the center of the mob giggling like a flesh-eating mental patient, and then start spinning in a circle firing 40mm grenades at the ground like it was the Fourth of July.
Ruffle his hair, pinch his cheeks, tweak his nose, give him a wedgie and send the little scamp back to Caesar.
Chromevod said:
Oh good, I was running low on caps, your stuff will sell for a pretty penny in Novac over there.

"Oh, thank god. Do you know how expensive 12.7mm ammunition is?"

Seriously, that band of Legion assassins is a roving ammo dump and armor repair shop. Hell, if I have Veronica or Raul in my party, they tend to die before I noticed they were there to begin with.
Behind you! A three-headed monkey! ... Ah, no. It's just your friends.

Btw. since the last patch(es?), I noticed that powder gangers and khans now send out assassines too. They aren't as geared up as the legion assassines, but they do appear from time to time.
Lexx said:
Btw. since the last patch(es?), I noticed that powder gangers and khans now send out assassines too. They aren't as geared up as the legion assassines, but they do appear from time to time.

Never noticed that, thanks

anyway, "The Caesar can suck it!" *spraying maniacally with me Assault Carbine* :dance:
WillisPDunlevey said:
Im doing a legion playthrough (first one). Does the NCR send out assassination squads?

Yes, they will send Rangers to whack you. I might be wrong but it seems to be every 3rd time you fast travel that an assassination squad gets sent
Good news! I was hoping that there would be a ready source of cash... its also hard to level up when you are going to fail or skip more than 50% of the quests because you are siding with the legion. The GRA weapons/ammo work good. Securitrons die with only two shots from 12 guage pulse slugs. It does not work so well on raiders though (when you forget to switch ammo)
I don't have to say anything because Boone started sniping them before they were in view.
I never got any assasin squad, ever. Even with me being villified on all bigger factions and with the newest patches. :|
Surf Solar said:
I never got any assasin squad, ever. Even with me being villified on all bigger factions and with the newest patches. :|

I finally got them in my lastest playthrough, after countless times playing the game being Vilified without even seen one of them! I was at level 8 BTW, they are hard to kill at this level! :shock:

It would be nice if you have the opportunity of selling yourself to the Legion if you were a woman or to the NCR if you were a man, like you did you Benny, you know. Trying to make them let you go away in exchange of sex (or bribe them).
Just for roleplay purposes, nothing more.

But no...killing unarmed civilians? Ok. Slaughtering entire communities without a single repercution between the game world? No problem. Frighten and brutalizing merchants in exchange for not killing them? Let's go!
Selling yourself for sex, killing children and smoking a cigar?
Preposterous, you misogynist psycopath bastard! :cool: