Silencer, youre 100% absolutely right!
As for Russia - there is no mention of it in Fallout 1, 2 or Bible, so we can assume it was either out of the picture (something similiar happened to Europe) or was allied/annexed with/by China for even more natural resources in the upcoming war. This makes sense, as AFAIK there are rich oil deposits in Siberia, and president Xin would really not want to have his tanks without fuel.
Middle East is propably non-existent now - the Resource Wars between the Commonwealth and OPEC nations, combined with the drying up of the oil fields and limited nuclear exchange toped with possible flooding may have changed the Middle East into an even more desolate Wasteland or destroyed all life there. Including wabbits.
And possibly Israel also is dead (Tel Aviw for sure, as it was destroyed around 2053 with a terrorist nuclear weapon)
Alaska was nuked (as someone said "if I'm going down, I'm taking everyone else with me" [president Richardson, anybody?]) with it's oil reserves and the Anchorange Fortified Line.
Ah, and one more thing - how the hell the Oil Derrick survived??? You'd imagine, after so much controversies between USA and China, president Xin would order the destruction of this facility? If so, how the nuke could jhave left it unscarred if it exploded? Or did it miss an enormous armored Drill Rig? WTH?
Wooz, I am a Fallout maniac, and read the Bible thoroughly several times and I have a good view of FO events - and Poland is, by 2005 a quarreling nation state. Period.