Briosafreak said:
*Turn based...that doesn't seem to sell game this day*...
Check the charts in the UK, Japan and the US, and you'll find the latest Pokemon games selling millions.
Final Fantasy, considered trash by many Japanese because of how little you can influence it, still sells millions and is turn-based. So much that it's translated and sold to the masses of cattle on this side of the pond. TB exists quite well in Japan, including the Shin Megami Tensei series.
It's amazing what self-delusional lies the US developers will try and believe, to try and cover up their miserable failures and to do the least amount of honest work possible, to churn out rolls of shiny shit into the X-Bowl in lieu of releasing a real game. That is why I consider any developer, in particular a designer, to be a liar and a fraud whenever they utter such words. I am old enough to remember when the publishers and con men tried to do this for the core Adventure genre, about why it went downhill. No, the genre didn't die - people just didn't like the trendy bullshit people were fucking up Adventure games with, and so those in the industry were the ones who caused the lull in Adventure games, not the public interest. With newer publishers, some of which have a clue, the Adventure genre is no longer as "dead" as it once was.
Who knows? Maybe when the US market gets its shit straight, then the Japanese might be interested in translating more than just the shitty console cattle releases, to in turn look up to the US market for inspiration as they did with Wizardry and Ultima. It certainly isn't with any of the current assclowns and garbage being squatted out into the X-Bowl.
It seems like the entire US market seems bent on half-ass copying Final Fantasy and Diablo formulas without realizing what made them good, and quite frankly, that's really pathetic.