A new day has come (New Mission) - [OoC]

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Testament to the ghoul lifespan
this obviously is Zoe's new RP OoC thread (to keep the ICC clean)

(and dumping the poll thread, it's littered with unrelated things)

Zoe said:
So this is what I summed up for our new thread:

* Non- US (Europe)
* The vault is opening.
* We the survivors are the ones who were gathered into these vaults .
* We play as ourselves (no super duper people, but us, normal people. No cheats! ;) )
* We will use the game scenario (robots, vault jumpsuits etc) plus anything we find compatible. If you wanna use something that was not in the game and is not sure, ask here in ooc first.

Guys, I am very open to suggestions, so if you d like something as the thread goes, etc. do post here in the thread ooc or PM me and I will get back to you.




now for the whining:

1) we need more details on what you are expecting from our characters tbh...

2) why portugal/spain of all places :s why not central europe? think their is no one from spain/portugal here in the RP section. our public is more towards central, northern & eastern europe.

3) i'd personally change the name of the vault to something more original. but hey thats just me :p

4) if you want us to play ourselves i'd prefer to start as a roaming ghoul (yup from belgium, i always liked walking, a ghoul hasnt got much else to do you know :p)

PS: i hope you dont mind me creating a new thread over this...
1) do we need to type up character profile thingies?
2) I suggest we start off somewhere where it's snowing, just for a change of scenery
Specialist said:
1) do we need to type up character profile thingies?

if it depends on me: hell yeah. a char sheet is very handy (although dont go into allocating xxx precent to certain skills, thats plain useless, just say what skill you're good at and such)

preferably with a detailed inventory too, it prevents people from pulling a 10 megaton nuke out of their back pocket...

Specialist said:
2) I suggest we start off somewhere where it's snowing, just for a change of scenery

yeah thats also a reason why i asked why spain/portugal was our start location... it pretty much resembles california when it comes to landscape. eastern and central europe would have more woods, northern europe snow, UK lots of rain :twisted: ,...
Deutchland prehaps ?

Ok, heres my inventory

.22 bolt action riffle
.45 colt
nightvision monocular
lockback pocket knife
hunting knife
small tent, sleeping bag (carrayble by a single person, they both fit in a single bag)
gun cleaning kit
canned soups and beans and other foods. (could stretch to a few weeks if conserved)

Now, I assume our characther is supposed to be ourselves.

Name: Daniel
Age: 20
height: 5'3
good with pistols and riffles, if reletivley inexperinced
halfway decent outdoorsman skills due to lots of camping
Can we PLEASE have it set in a snowy scene?

Inventory: .303 rifle
Hunting Knife
3 Molotov cocktail bombs.
Assorted medicines.
Backpack - sleeping bag, living necessities (foods, etc)
Homemade Flares.

Name: Tris
Age: 19
Height: 6'
Good with rifles, above average intelligence.
Basic training in various forms of medicine.
Um, it's not snow.

Besides, the FO setting lacks snow, since global warming was a major issue (read the weather mentioned in the SAD holodisk in the generals office.)
Heya folks!

Every begining is a period of adjustment, not to worry.

Here is to make things clearer :

1) The majority of the posters tended towards a story in which travel and movement would be the most normal - hence I chose as a starting place a more neutral spot, where we would get to know each other before venturing into other lands. Yes, the story is going to snowy places - we just are not starting there :)

2) A character information post, with character backstory, stats, skills etc. is at order. You have to write one for yourself to play. Please post it in the separate thread (I am opening one). A detailed inventory is a must: if your character does not have it in the info, then he really does not have it (unless we are talking of something easibly attainable - which, I remark, since everything became scarce, is not going to happen often).

3) This is to have fun. Let your imagination work, but be free to be as real as possible in the difficulties our characters are going to face in the story.

Questions, comments, etc - keep them coming :)


Rein(kahgans character) and Zaij(my character) should atleast be familiar with eachother, one having served in poland, the other being of polish descent.
yeah i got a question bout the characters.........well if we are going to be ourselves in this RP........then what about people(like me)who are around 14?

am i gonna be a 14 year old runnin around the place killin people?
Well BK I assume that you would just have to be a 14 year old running through the wastes.

Also since I assume at your age you dont have a gun or if you do you would be too mentally fragile to use it frequently you would just have to stay out of trouble......not too hard since even scumbags dont mess with little kids. Be a speach character. the only thing you may have to fight is radscorpions or wasteland monsters.

And similarly to shooting prarie dogs you may find that it isnt hard to shoot an unintelligible beast to protect yourself, or you could have the others protect you.

Also btw. Why does this have to be in Europe, i don't know a damn thing about Europe and likely neither do most other Americans in this forum. Yet the European at least has a basic idea of the layout of americas waste from the fallout game world maps.
ok, i posted a character, and a ICC post where im volunteering. I know my character has Spanish as his second language, but i actually know German, but its actually just german culture and geography. My german teacher thought that was more important than the actual language, so i can only count to 10. Really just 9 though.
PyroPheonix, I live in Australia and I don't know anything about American layout. I know a hell of a lot about European though. No one cares about America that much :S

14 year olds a mentally fragile? If they're too mentally fragile to shoot a gun, they're too mentally fragile to survive a nuclear war.


I've been looking at some character posts and they're really quite similar. Almost everyone is an expert marksman, knows the ins and outs of computer, and many people are blatantly lying about what they really are like (as that is how they wish to portray themselves). My character is entirely fictional. Please, lets have some variation between the characters.
Nevertheless, many characters that were created are what people see as themselves at their best, aswell as things they'd like to improve. Asking for what you are like now is completely unreasonable, as - who knows how you would be changed because of the war? Read through the characters and tell me that they are exact. OF COURSE NOT. If we had the truth, half these people wouldn't have volunteered to leave the vault in the first place. I kept my character as close to being the real me as possible, yet vastly different so as not to make the story boring.

Once I see that the characters stop being nearly entirely fictional, I'll be willing to make a "real me" character.
as a response to accusations of faked characters:

himself said:
- very good @ computer sciences (including hardware): Before the Great War, he was a programmer with a good interest into computer hardware.

true, i'm a student informatics that handles a hardwaresite. needless to say i know of fair share of both.

himself said:
- very good @ science: Having an analytical and abstract mind, he found himself at ease in both theoretical and applied sciences. At an early age taking an interest in the abstract thought, specializing into math quickly found himself more interested in application of ideas instead of hypotheses and turned towards applied sciences.

true, IQ > 130 (would have prefered to leave that out of it, never believed in IQ shit), never did crap (but liked finding out things on my own), never liked school but always passed without studying. (until i discovered drugs that is... not proud of that but i'm off of it now)

himself said:
- very good @ pistols (both normal and energy) & scoped rifles (partial small guns): At an early ages being fascinated by guns, he purchased a whole assortment of BB guns (both pistols and rifles). Later on, went to visit a gunclub and got to shoot .22 target pistol, 9mm Sig Sauer and a .44 pistol (yup the infamously overrated desert eagle).


himself said:
- good @ standard repair: Due to his ability to quickly analyse how things work, repairing things comes with relative ease. However not as easy as fooling around with a computer.

true, i always liked mechanics. liked helping my granddad who was extremely well with his hands (and his head for that matter). he never went to school but could easily outsmart many engineers when it came to bare mechanics.

himself said:
- good @ outdoorsman: The many years of traveling before the war have been a great experience, but of course the many years wandering around as a ghoul have thought him many more things.

true, i do a lot of traveling. i've been all over europe (with family, with friends, alone; in hotels, in tents; by foot, by car, by motorcycle). I've visited (on several occasions): Belgium (home), France (lived there for a couple of years), Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Morocco, Tunis (yeah it's the city, i dont know how the land is called in english)

himself said:
- very bad @ melee and HtH combat: Before the war quite adept to unarmed combat due to a training in Karate, the change into a ghoul was not easy. Due to the lower weight and strength, he finds it hard to defend himself in HtH combat.

true + added a ghoul drawback

himself said:
- very bad @ normal longarms, energy rifles and big guns: The many changes included that the left eye does not close anymore. That in itself is not really a problem, as he sleeps with a sleepingmask to cover it up. The problem is aiming with unscoped rifles. It is almost impossible to aim normal rifles with an open left eye without a loss in accuracy and comfort. Scoped rifles with adjustable cheek pieces and pistols are no problem whatsoever, his left eye being his best eye to aim with anyway. Big guns and heavy energy weapons can be ruled out due to their weight and insufficient strength.

ghoul drawback to keep it real

:arrow: i think we can conclude that my char is more or less real. of course it also depends on your definition of "very good", "good", "bad" & "very bad". although some might seem improbable, that doesnt mean they are false.

as for BK: there are kids of no more than 9 year old fighting with kalashnikovs in third world countries... unless your a sickly boy you should have no problem handling a normal or low calibre pistol. (steer clear from .44, .50 & such)

also maybe make your character a scoundrel, so the people in the vault are glad to get rid of him. cant see any other way of those people letting a child go...
Hmm... If thats how people meant by "real", I seem to have gone off on a tangent... If that's the case, my character is completely true, 'cept for the drug addiction and the bad peoples person. Nevertheless, some people still seem to be looking at idealized versions of themselves.
Specialist said:
Hmm... If thats how people meant by "real", I seem to have gone off on a tangent...

what do you mean? what objections would you for instance have to my character?
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