A new dude need a new...weapon !!!


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Hello :)
Here is my last work on our favorite game.
As I create a "new" dude (a part of one of course he 's not finished)
I decide to test a new... Challenge .

Let's see :D

The new visual of this mythic "weapon"

The small desciption in the windows (in French, yes I know :) )

In the inventory

And then in the interface

And to finish, in the hands of my new guy :)

hé,hé :)

Schuss, see you tomorrow

Brother Soifran
Re: oh yeah

BunkerBud said:
Very nice, does this replace supersledge? or is it a new weapon?
Hello Bud, yes it's a new weapon, with new animation.It beetween "le bidule" of louiseville and the super sleedge.
Maybe why not with a new perks to have a possibility to break the door ;)

x'il said:
Very nice, Brother Soifran!!, :clap:

Do you intend on making it for all armors? :)

HEllo X'il.
Yes, I'll test today what happen with all the other armors.
I've saved each position.
I'll see that in a few moments.

Brother Soifran
Looks great Brother! And as Mr Wolna said: someone else could use this animation for a secret project !! :D (PM Helios) ;)
Continuum said:
Well done! But I see some anti-aliasing problems :ugly: What an awful, past-gen shitty shit...

As discuss by MP few weeks ago, I always encounter trouble shooting during manipulation...

Look at that.

I importe a frame of my axe.

Then I select blue blackground with the "baguette" (the harry potter's wooden truc)

I invert selection.

But it still have always blue pixel...
So I contract the selection of one pixel.

I copy/new document, Paste the axe in invisibler back ground

There is no blue pixel... no one.

But when I resize the picture...

At the end, he makes me a axe with kind of transparent pixel...Not blue, but ...not really existing...(zoom on it, it's pretty small)

And when I select the blank zone, with 0 tolerance and no smooth, look at the result...
I don't understand...

I haven't idea about how to resolve this problem...
I don't want to waste my time to select invisible pixel, one by one...
It may have another solution...
But I don't know it.

My try was to see if it was possible to create new animation for new weapons, so I don't care too much about this fucking blue pixel...
But now I 'm aware it's possible, If I don't find solution to eradicate this blue pixel automatickly, I don't go far away on the experience.
Too much waste of time.
If anybody have a idea...
Try one the first picture, it's the original one.


Brother Soifran
If you're doing ANY transformations (scaling/rotating/etc.) with something that has no AA you'll always get AA (after operation). Try to change filter to Nearest Neighbor. This should resolve your problems while resizing image.
I don't understand what you say when you talk about "Try to change filter to Nearest Neighbor"

I understand well the answer but not the process...
It's a operation? a filter?
can you make me a drawinf por favor ? :)

Brother Soifran
Look at one of your images you posted above (the one with Image Size tab/window/whatever): You got Bicubic (Bicubique ;)) filter enabled. Change it to Nearest Neighbor.
HA ok....
There is a small difference of render but not invisible pixel...
Let me 30 minute and 2 beers.
I'll test
Thank you Continuum

Brother Soifran
That Axe needs to be way older looking, maybe some pealing red paint with rust under it and a darker handle with some weathering.

and the new animation looks great.