I also feel like most people here after twelve years of waiting for a follow up to Half Life 2 Episode 2, only learning what Episode 3 would have been about in an altered form on the main writer's blog after he has left the company, to hear that the next Half Life game will be a VR only game and a prequel to boot, it feels rather like Valve doing a piss on my interest while being a loyal Half Life customer/supporter since the franchise started in 1998.
Like others mentioned here I don't mind Valve doing a spin off in order to promote a new technology by giving it a killer app that may make it interest for some who are still on the fence to finally purchase a VR headset. It is perfectly understandable.
What I dislike is that after telling us that the episodic format would make it easier to continue the Half Life series, they make us wait for more than twelve years while they work on various other projects and the hardware side of their business without ever be willing to openly talk about the fate of the franchise, and now decide to get back to it and still can not bother making a third episode or third game which is probably one of the few reasons some hardcore Half Life fans still hang around despite perhaps waiting since their college, trade school, uni years, and entering the job market or starting their own families.
And not to mention other game franchises that are as old and have had multiple entries since which probably have felt a lot more rewarding to support.
If this game had been announced along with Episode 3 or Half Life 3 for regular PC users I would not be as annoyed about this. Still a little because I can not play this game but there would be at least be a long awaited follow up which I can play.
What I dislike even more about this announcement is the number of Valve ass kissers/Gabe cock suckers who apparently are all over Valve not giving the Half Life fandom anything in a decade to hold hope that the series would ever continue, and now insult other fans for disliking that the franchise is continued in VR form or that they can not afford a VR headset as these things are expensive for a lot of people.
"Why don't you get a job?" Yeah being poor or unemployed is a chosen lifestyle for a lot of people who can not afford a VR headset, one they do not want to give up, or perhaps most money goes to things they can't avoid like food and paying bills.
I felt before this announcement that the Half Life fandom was dying and that a spiritual sequel was needed for those who still enjoy single player sci fi themed FPS games to at least give them some of the feeling again they experienced during Half Life. I still stand by that point.
I don't think the VR revolution is a bad thing as it looks pretty cool in all honesty but I hate how Valve has been treating its Half Life fans.