Thought I give an update on the situation:
After a few days of bugfixing struggles, I went and did it - I mapped the whole damn Brain script out node by node and now I know what everything does. And yes, he is too omniscient and kind of makes the whole thing look like massive hand holding throughout the VC area if you go through him. This... isn't terrible on it's own, but does create trouble for integrating the Vault Village smoothly. Another bit of a pickle is that you can turn in Happy Harry and rob his store which is a fat load of loot in an otherwise fight-light area of the game.
The Brain also has a bit of a design problem as unless I add stuff I don't really have anything to give him as a task to give the player other then the reactor bussiness (because Gecko is, when you look at it, quite underdeveloped and small). But I'm not looking to make a mod, I'm looking to integrate stuff into the RP better, so here's what I'm gonna do:
- Instead of going thorough the entire VC hub quest chain, the Brain will only ask you to deliver the economy report to McClure. This way you don't end up with VC citizenship for completing the VV quest as that is lame. (Not that you can't simply take that quest off him too while you're running around, but what can you do - I'd gladly add proper quests to him involving underused stuff and the Abbey and so on, but that would make this a mod rather than tweaking).
- The Brain will not push renewal on you like he does now, instead he'll make you do the Geco Econ disk delivery before you can renew, upon which you can also get the Power Plant quest from him. If you do the Econ Disk delivery before you take the village quest, well, it'll just be easier to solve - but since it was auto-solved at the time village used to unlock anyway, no harm done.
- However, if you do accept renewal, and do work on the plant, the Brain will share his origin story - and that will put an otherwise very obscure location on the map

If anyone thinks this downplays Myron - think again, this makes that whole direction much more interesting to move towards in the midgame (and in my experience EPA is a much better mid game than late game location)
- Brains dialogue and personality remains pretty much exactly the same, only his priorities have shifted. So if I'm changing the dialogue it'll just divide the topics a tiny bit (and might make him more easy to fiddle with for people in the future in terms of script).
Guns for the villagers:
- Giving the guns to the villagers only solves their part of the quest - you can still solve the other part through the brain (and delivering the guns doesn't prevent you from finding about the talisman) Both things are working allready.
- Since one quest doesn't exclude the other now, I'll try to take robbing Happy Harry's store out, since that's a damn bonanza. It made some sense when they were exclusive, now the quest is available earlier and the money involved is smaller, so it's a bit too much. Or at least I'll tone down the loot. You can still turn him in if you want to for negative karma.
Everything else works fine allready - suliks sister/umbra hook, broken hills scouting (is the same as NCR scouting in terms of when it becomes available except you don't run into kaga, crazy loot, and, you know, the GECK, and stuff), village grenades, village and vc quest separation.
Anyhow I hope to be done with this soon.