A thought about Euclide-C Finder


Still Mildly Glowing
if you activate Archimedes II before acquiring the gun, shouldn't Max accidentally trigger the weapons while he's playing with his friend? I think that it would have been an interesting consequence to your action that has been overlooked
I can picture it now. He's chasing that other kid, pretending to blast Stacey, and suddenly a beam of light pierces the sky...moments later, Mick and Ralph's is no more. A tragedy to be sure. The Pimp-Boy 3 Billion is lost forever.
Indeed that would have been morbidly funny, but when you have activated ARCHIMEDESII and you get the Euclide-C Finder and you have Veronica on the team she will comment that it is a good thing the safety was on.
Indeed that would have been morbidly funny, but when you have activated ARCHIMEDESII and you get the Euclide-C Finder and you have Veronica on the team she will comment that it is a good thing the safety was on.
Thank you for the information, It's an interesting bit of lore and it really goes show the attention to detail put in by the devs
Thank you for the information, It's an interesting bit of lore and it really goes show the attention to detail put in by the devs

It is even the small things like that in New Vegas that make it vastly superior to the Bethesda games.