A thought on the design of Fallout Tactics PA helmet.

Perhaps it was a lack of resources and means to create the poly-laminate composites the suits we're made from. They did only bring what they could carry from the military base and what was in the bunker before they expanded it. Years of scavenging, trading and wiping out raiders. Going out to push back and destroy as much of the Master's Army as possible. Them playing a smaller role in the wastes before finding out about the Enclave. Helping the NCR take Navarro before them getting into an all out war. All that has probably strained what parts they had on hand and forced them to use different resources for new suits.
In the army if we did not have the supply line to fix the vehicles they would go down within a few months. I find the entire setting to be too unrealistic these days to even bother wondering about shit like this but Tactics was mentioned so here I am. I mean they are walking around with nuclear reactors strapped to them they have cancer and are going to die.
What kind of specialized tools do they lack that would repair the armor they have but not help them fabricate new armor? Fallout New Vegas ruined this plot device by adding hologram tech that shits out anything you want. They don't lack supplies. It's a dumbass plot device. LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE RUNNING. They need tools to run it. At this point they would have found a pre war factory and started fabricating armor or the armor would probably just not exist anymore anyway due to falling apart. Those suits aren't lasting a couple hundred years I don't care what they say.
There's a really big difference between keeping, say, an F35 running and completely rebuilding an F35 from scratch. THere's a reason that other countries can purchase advance fighter jets btu can't build their own and it ain't just copyright law
There's a really big difference between keeping, say, an F35 running and completely rebuilding an F35 from scratch. THere's a reason that other countries can purchase advance fighter jets btu can't build their own and it ain't just copyright law

And I still say those armors are not built from scratch because that is retarded.
You don't get cancer in Fallout, you turn into a shambling ghoul or an irradiated corpse not even the carrion eaters want to touch. :V
Off the top of my head I really can't recall any suits of power armor being built from scratch. All the suits we're either prototypes of suits that already existed, suits assembled from blueprints or the suit was the culmination of years of R&D. The most advanced bits of power armor are probably it's power supply and the composites that make up the armor pieces.
I also had a thought pop up about the FoTPA helmet, if it's design wasn't created solely via tribal influence, it could have been the idea of the brotherhood members themselves. That whole psychological warfare deal and whatnot.
I will, right here and now, come up with a reason why FO:T power armors have those "horns".

Those "horns" are antennas for the radios that are installed on the Power Armor helmets (that I just made up). The BoS on FO:T is way more like an organized military organization than the classic Fallout games BoS, so they use helmet radios.

There. Risewild, saving Headcanon and Lore since *insert some random year here*.
The Power Armors in Fallout should work in pretty much the same way as the ones described in Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein. And those have radios, naturally.
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The BoS on FO:T is way more like an organized military organization than the classic Fallout games BoS, so they use helmet radios.

Now that you mention it, Barnaky and Dekker contact you on the missions with debriefs and updates.

Other Fallout protagonists have to haul their asses back to questgiver, while Warrior just calls them.
I didn't even think about that, you do get updates and debriefs. Probably what they are then, feeds the transmission right into the Pip-Boy.
You mean you guys did not think they used radios in their helmets?
I found some quotes about the armor from the developers that are interesting:

  • I would redo the sprite of the Power Armor to make it more retro. Not that there is anything technically wrong with the sprite, it's a great piece of art. It's just that it is a bit out of place in the Fallout Universe. But bear in mind that we had to design it over a year ago and Interplay approved everything we did. - Tony Oakden, producer of FOT (Freelancer interview)
  • Why does the Power armor look so different from previous models? - Different group of BOS, different technology. - Ed Orman (Freelancer news)
Personally, I chalked up the changes to the environmental factors which included salvage available; Even in modern armies with mostly standardized equipment, there are less common options for units in certain environments; like most soldiers using Advanced Combat Helmets but those on Ships being issued Lightweight Helmets.
FO:T helmets could be the scout or mechanized variant helmets with additional specific sensor and comm. packages.