A Thread For Recommendations - NMA's Fallout 3


First time out of the vault
Hello, thanks for reading, you big silly. :crazy:

While it's distasteful to be supporting the game indirectly by attempting to improve it through mods (as opposed to supporting good design and intelligent interactive entertainment by modding the originals and building new games with similar engines) I guess we'll all fall prey, to a greater or lesser degree (depending upon our respective tendencies towards masochism) to the impulse to see what modest improvements we can implant into this Frankenstein's monster-of-a-game. Until a good CRPG comes along, anyhow.

I'd love to see a thread, perhaps even a sticky, here on NMA that lists mods of particular interest to "purist" fans. I played Morrowind and Oblivion for a while, and it was a hellish chore to wade through thousands of mods that were junk just to find those that fine-tuned the game according to my own tastes. If we had a sticky thread here, advertising the best F3 mods according to the tastes of the NMA community, it would surely make squeezing something like enjoyment out of this game a lot easier.

A member of NMA's community might volunteer to keep the sticky updated by editing the first few posts, while the rest of the thread might continue to grow with discussion of which mods ought to be added to the aforementioned posts.

Sound all right? Beats having to trudge through pages of posts just to try to find mere mention of anything interesting.

All right, thanks for reading, take care now, you pudding-marmot you.

p.s. i'm not volunteering i owe you my love but nothing more :clap:
While this might be a good idea, let's wait until there's actually a couple of mods to recommend.
Naturally, you testosterone-charged lampshade, you. 8-)

But no harm in getting the idea out there before the fact. Better to have foresight rather than frustration, you know.

Thanks for your reply, do take care.

You bat-winged q-tip, you. :roll:
What ho, yon proverbial periapt of pomp?

While I don't, in any way, disapprove of the idea of selecting the best that the modding community has to offer, such things tend to happen automatically in this strange benighted age of rating systems. Top ten, twenty, and eleventy-one lists will be rising the moment there are eleven, twenty-one, and one-hundred and twelve mods out there. As for No Mutants Allowed, however, I'd like to see lists conveniently stuck to the head of the appropriate forums that reflect certain genres of mods. By way of a useful for-instance, a list of essential mods that bring Fallout 3 more effectively to its roots, like one that makes the power armor as menacingly magnificent as it was in the first two games, one that gets rid of the music taken directly from Oblivion (Thought they could sneak that past us, did they? Hah!) and replaces it with an original score worthy of the series, etc. Then we could have another sticky sticky post with a list of essential mods for people who want the best looking game around, rife with high-texture packs, performance tweaks, animation innovations, etc.

Inevitably, the good people of these forums will put together their own lists, so all it would take is for the powers that be to assemble them into clean, link-filled lists and stick them up for us, yes? How does that sound?

Until next time, creme de la femme and/or multitudinous minaret of masculinity.
What a fascinating and inappropriate release of your budding vocabulary Cataphract.

I used to string words together with no real context or meaning, it turned out I had a form of synesthesia that went by the name of Ordinal Linguistic Personification.
I beg of you, get yourself tested before you force me into reading another one of your elaborate displays of nothing whatsoever.
Eyenixon said:
I beg of you, get yourself tested before you force me into reading another one of your elaborate displays of nothing whatsoever.

Too late! Listen and listen well, you... you...

Ah hell, performance anxiety. I'll be in my trailer.
I wrote a list, recommending all the mods that make Fallout 3 more like..eh Fallout and fix various bugs, so I guess I just post it. And here it comes (sorry for my english):

  • GUI-Mods:

    Warning: Some GUI-Mods interfer with each other, it is best to choose one. It would be uber if we could convince a dedicated modder to fix us some GUI with the best features and the true fallout look

    Minimal UI-Mod + Revelations - makes the gui smaller. changes the gui to a fallout1/2 look. also include the compass/waypoint change. See this thread for help adjusting the gui to your needs.

    Radioactive Pip 3000 - New Skin for the Pipboy, looks a bit older/used now

    Bigger Dialogboxes - less scrolling needed, font-size stays the same

    MTUI-Gui-Mod - Improves Dialoglook/options, makes fonts smaller

    Mainmenumod - Changes the picture in the main menu, its a wip - NMA-Threadlink

    Revelation Skin - Changes the Gui of the game, making it more like Fallout 1/2

    Radiation Re-Redux - Removes the radiation/eef sheet in the pipboy. You now only know if you are radiated, but not how much. At least not exactly, a textmessage much like in fallout1/2 appears to rather describe your level of radiation/affect on you, instead of empty numbers. This improved version has some parts of the MTUI-Mod included. For an older version with less features but no MTUI-Mod included: click here

    Compass-Mod - Removes the Waypoints/Point of Interestes on the Compass, making it more like a RPG with actual exploration and less "follow the waypoints"-FPS. Does however increase difficulty due to bad programming - some locations are very hard to find without the compass (NPCs also lack the dialog-options) -- still, I think this mod is a big improvement

  • Sound&Music Mods:

    F1/F2 Music - "If Mark Morgan > * set true for you -> install this mod!

    Weaponssound-Mod - Improve the sound of many pistoles and rifles. Really worth it. installation instruction is a bit broken here, so let me clear this up: create a folder called "sound" in your fallout3/data folder. put the "wpn"folder into the fx folder and put the fx folder into the sound folder

    No Bad Karma Sound Removed - removes the annoying "bad Karma Sound"

    No heartbeat sound mod - this tiny mod removes the annoying heartbeat sound which appeared when you were low on health.

    No Ui Sounds - Removes various annyoing sounds. 2 different versions.
    1. remove the "XP-$CashBLING$-Sound when gaining xp
    2. remove the gaining xp sound and in addition removes the beepsound on levelups/questinformation updates/gui popups

  • Textures-Mods:
    High-Res blood particles - looks more realistic/better - level of gore however is not changed

    New Ghoul Texture - makes ghouls a bit more green, looks a tiny bit better then vanilla - check out the commentsection for additional installationinstructions!

    10mm pistole - new&improved texture for the 10mm pistole. looks a bit better/older

    10mm pistole - another skin for the 10mm pistol. I like this one a bit more, but its really up to personal preference I guess.

    Hunting Rifle Texture - new hunting rifle texture. looks better imo, recommend the version without specular

    Ak-112 - Replaces the chinese Assault Rifle texture

    Combat Armor Mod - Combat Armor now looks like the Combat Armor in Fallout 1 - the archiveinvalidation.txt seems to be broken in this. I think every \ has to be a / instead

    New Radscorpion Skin - It doesn't look like the orginal redscorpion, but it looks better then vanilla. changed color from gay grey to okay black.

    Super Mutant retextured - makes super mutants greener/darker

  • Balancing-Mods:

    [offline for the moment] - I took the time to mod several mods into one mod, in order to balance it to the orginal experience. This mod included:
    - XP Increaser
    - Better Pacing Mod
    - Increased Water Radiation
    - Tweaked carry weight
    - vatsmce
    - no gode mode vats
    - weapon condition mod
    - reduced karma loss for stealing
    - reneerinvisible karma mod
    - Sagers Mod

    Note: I will replace the link with the NMA link when it is up.

    I have contacted all the authors and have their permission,but keep in mind that it is their work and all the credits have to go to them. Their mods are bugfree, so if this mergemod causes any problems its likely that it is my fault. But after hours of testing I think I did everything write.
    So if you install this you don't need the mods above! The game will inform you upon load that the game files have change and bla bla. Shouldn't cause any problems. My guess is this happens because Sagersmod decreases your HPs. After a save or two this message won't appear anymore I think. Again: All the credit goes to the orginal modders!

    Better Power Armor Mod - Better Powerarmors. They are now the best armors ingame. I prefer this one over the Armor Rebalance Mod, it however might be unbalanced.

    Better Big Guns Mod - Improves the damage of Miniguns. I don't have much experience with miniguns, so I am not sure if this is really better for balancing, but the description seems reasonable.

    Vats MCE - Your Skillpoints have more influence on VATS accuracy now. Also influences realtime accuracy. Will merge this with sagers mod soon.

    Slower Item Degradation - reduce the level of item degradation by 50% or 70%. Makes the game a bit unbalanced since you will earn more caps (I do not know a mod-workaround for this)

    Amplified Crippled Effects - Increase the effects of crippling. currently only the cripple effects of the legs are increased. If you/the enemy get legcrippled now, you/he will walk much slower. Chance to be crippled reduced, enemy hp slightly increased. works well so far

    Armor Rebalance - Makes Powerarmors a lot better. Does however make the enclave pa to a enclave light powerarmor. I'd might mod that later, making enclave the best again.

    BoS Standardarmor changer - changes the standard armor of bos soldiers to ta51b. I don't know if that breaks balance ingame, but it sure as hell looks better. Will write something about balance as soon as I can.

    Cross-Repair Weapons - Enables cross repair of weapons, like the chinese assault rifle and the normal assault rifle

    Item Weight Fix - Fixes the Weight of many items (items which had no weight (except ammo) now have 0.1 - detailed list of changes is included in the .rar-file


    The following mods are all included in the first balance mod, if you have it, you don't need the following mods, but if you want to know what they do, or if you want only a part of it, you might find it useful:

    [I will add the other mods/links as soon as I have the time]

    SagerFOAlpha - This mod aims to make the game harder and less forgiving. Sounds pretty good, check out the description for more infos

    Water Radiation Mod - Waterradiation is increased. Radiation Decay is slowed down.

    Weight-Mod - Strength-Attributpoints have more influence on maximum weight. With 10 Strength you can carry up to 350wg - low Strength however decreased your maximum wg (compared to vanilla version)

    BetterPacingMod - "Better game pacing is reached by reducing XP rewards for combat, lockpicking and hacking, thus focusing the big XP gains on doing quests." In addition: 10% more walking speed. This increases the exploration and rpg-elements and reduce the shooterelements.

    XP Increaser - Increase the amount of XP needed to level up. making lvl 20 harder to reach. increase the usefulness of perks n skills because they are harder to obtain.

    No God-Mode VATS - I think this is very important. During VATS you are no longer invulnerable. Level of damage taken/given can be adjusted (from very easy to very hard)


    And another "mod", but you have to do it yourself:

    nad02s said:
    Inside the folder : \My Documents\My Games\Fallout3

    Open file FALLOUT.ini

    search for 'bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath=1' and change to 0

    and 'bEssentialTakeNoDamage=1' and change to 0

    If you do this, it will enable killing people that you couldn't before, like armanda in your vault. worked so far, but you might fuck up your game by killing somebody you weren't supposed to. I did however killed armanda at the game start and it still worked. her father and the guard were just starring at an empty seat without saying anything. dialog was still the same ("if you ever touch her again").
    kids can not be killed this way though.

What I dislike about those lists: the modders are often forgotten. they deserve all the respect for the work they done!
So let me say: thank you very much for you effort!

have installed alls those mods and the game runs normal and everything seems to work.
Very well, your english is much better anyways, but your post has the old radiation redux mod linked, while the newest one is better (at least I think it is, more features).

But I think we need two lists anyways, since your list covers all the mods right?
Hehe, thanks. It's hard to keep up with all o' that, what with my limited time for the moment. I'm currently basically going on what is posted in these forums, and not out there, exploring.

So a lot of hugs 'n kisses for you!

Anyway, I think this seperate list might indeed have it's purpose. I mean sheet, the game is out for less than a week and already I've got a full page of mods. By this rate, by the end of the year the list'll be longer than the list of Crimes against Humanity comitted by Brother None.

It's good to have lists like these that actually highlight the interesting ones.
I don't even have the game yet but I can already download loads of mods. I love that.
Well personally I think the slow derivation mod is better than the no repair needed, as derivation (at a decent rate) is realistic and adds some real wasteland feeling. No repair needed is somehow strange I think. Fallout 1/2 was too old to implent this I guess.
I hope it is okay if I double post? I just want to bumb this thread because I have edited my post. New mods which significantly increase the fallout experience have been added to the posts, here are the changes:
- Minimal UI-Mod
- New Radscorpion Skin
- Amplified Crippled Effects
- BetterPacingMod
- Ability to kill people which were invulnerable before (no children though)
- Revelation GUI-Mod (F1/F2 Gui)
- Pipboy 3000 Skin (pipboy looks older/used)
- Weight Fix Mod

/e oh I have installed all of the mods in the list above and so far everything works fine. The minimal UI-Mod has the changes of the compass mod, so you don't need that anymore (but I kepted it in the list incase somebody dislike the minimal ui)
qi said:
While it's distasteful to be supporting the game indirectly by attempting to improve it through mods

even though the game isnt true to the originals, i wouldnt say it is "distasteful" to mod it. the game is fun for a good 25 hours if you go into it trying to just play the game and not compare it to the originals

i dont think anyone would ever think that it would be as good as the originals anyways

that said, ive already bought the game, and i want to see many, many, many mods and adjustments

one thing i think nma would be particularly good at contributing to is a conversion of the game

i think that making the game into a tb iso rpg is unrealistic

i think that it would be nice for a new environment and new quests that resemble fallout 1/2

the map markers need to go, but there also needs to be new, interesting, and multi-tiered quests
i have nothing to add other than the fact that you made me chortle and guffaw.

keep it up my horsefaced friend. \o/

edit : thanks a lot for that modlist, i was expecting to have to wait weeks or even months before being able to download anything decent, but many of those are exactly what i was looking for. :clap:
At the moment I update this list daily, because there is stuff to add. But I don't bump the thread.
Also right now there are 1-2 mods that heavily interfer with each other. I will sort this out/mod this in a couple of hours hopefully.

/e also: you have written "many of those" - if there is any mod you think that doesn't fit (other then the gui mods maybe, because that doesn't really matter and is just personal preference) - please tell me why and lets discuss it. This thread is about to improve the experience for everyone
which ones interfere with eachother? just the obvious ones (that change the same thing for example) or are there less obvious ones to watch out for?

thank god for modders, fallout 3 is far better than i expected but still needs a LOT of tweaking before i can enjoy it properly. if nothing else, the fact that bethesda made the game will bring a lot of extremely talented modders into the fallout universe. besides the obvious level cap problem it's just far too easy. there are a couple of difficult parts but even those become easy on the hardest difficulty since you can spam the abundance of stimpacks you collect.

in fallout 2 i remember many places that you really had to avoid until you'd leveled up a little and got some decent equipment. very important for the feeling that you are in a dangerous wasteland full of things made of far tougher stuff than you. for me that feeling played a huge part in the renowned fallout atmosphere. feel too strong too fast and that feeling is gone.

anyway, cheers again. i'll be checking back here for sure.

edit : when i said "many of those" i meant that many of them were specific things i'd noticed while playing and hoped would be modded (the xp rate, the horrible bad karma noise etc). i didn't mean to imply that the others shouldn't be there. although i am not nearly as experienced on the subject as many people here i think the mods you listed all steer the game in a more original "fallouty" direction.
the obvious ones. I will try to edit sagers mod to include the options of other mods which interfer. still waiting for sagers permission though. except for the sagers mod I have all mods installed and its working perfectly.

/e I also suggest that somebody else makes a new thread (sticky maybe?) and copies this list & improves the mod describition. at the current rate of mods coming out (I just added the better power armor mod) I guess people will miss a lot otherwise.

/e² with sagers permission I merged the mods - list is up to date. tried to fix the powerarmor but that is beyond my level