A Zeta perk


Vault Consort
Staff member
MTV Multiplayer interviewed Jeff Gardiner on DLC, as you do, and either it was a very short one, or they're keeping most of it to themselves, but the beans were spull on a new perk:<blockquote>"Mothership Zeta is full of the most high tech weaponry in the game. It includes a Shock Baton for melee fighters, multiple new firearms including an Alien Atomizer, a pistol, and the Alien Disintegrator, a new rifle. There's also a new grenade type, a Cryo Grenade, which freezes enemies for a short period of time. On top of that there are new unique weapons, and a new heavy weapon."

Gardiner continued, saying that there will also be a new perk to unlock, called "Xenotech Expert."

"It increases the damage you do with alien weapons, including the Alien Blaster if the player had found that in the wasteland."</blockquote>Also, there is "Alien Epoxy" tech. It heals items. Who can wait?
Is it just me, or does Bethesda seem to enjoy adding pointless perks to power up their new weapons?

It kind of strikes me as stupid that they'd increase the power of a weapon through a perk when they should just make it strong from the beginning, seeing as how everyone gets the perk no matter what.
Per said:
Also, there is "Alien Epoxy" tech. It heals items. Who can wait?
And Bethesda officially removed the last thing that slightly increased the game's difficulty (keeping an eye on your weapon's status is hard for trigger happy kids!) from the game.
wexer9 said:
Item healing? That's just a little overboard...
Yup, effectively eliminates the need for the Gun Nut perk, reading Dean's Electronics and gaining overall higher repair skills.
It might be feasible if the alien weapons were organic a la System Shock 2. But yeah, I'm not buying this, in both senses of the phrase.
Guys, it's glue. Of course it's going to make items work better, by making their parts stick together.
It sounds like DE:IW's universal ammo or Mass Effect's bio-gel, or whatever it was called. It's really just an excuse to simplify things for the kiddies.
I'm still hung up on the fact that they are making a DLC based on the alien presence in the Fallout series. That's just preposterous, how do they expect people to take this seriously? The aliens in Fallout were a joke, and so is this DLC.
I wonder if there is even 1 person at Bethesda that that truly understands exactly how much they've completely wasted the whole SPECIAL and Perks systems.
I honestly don't know what I should be more excited about.
[spoiler:c6d3f8759f]And are about the same things, shooting aliens, so...[/spoiler:c6d3f8759f]
Black said:
I honestly don't know what I should be more excited about.
Well c'mon. I know Halo-hate abounds around here, but you can't possibly consider it to be as absolute rubbish as Beth's FO3. And certainly not comparable to this newest expansion. At the very least, Halo is meant to be an alien shoot-'em-up, whereas Fallout was never a shoot-'em-up, let alone one with aliens.

Not that I'd disagree that Halo went anywhere but downwards, for the most part, after the first installment, but... *grumble grumble*
I'm not sure if Bethesda knows which game they're making.
Maybe if they played some Chinese version of FO2 where the dialogs are unintelligible (since they're in Chinese) kids are forbidden(like in the German version) and the game was only left with the random encounters (to show that nothing would be left of America after a war with Communist Russia), they could've come up with a game like this.
Hence the O:A DLC and this.

Becasue I cannot understand how else could someone misunderstand a game so horribly.
