Abortion, need help


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
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I know a lot of you are against the whole idea of abortion but I hope some of you will help.

There is a girl in Chile who seriously needs an abortion. Her exboyfriend was a retard. Often influenced by drugs or just a bad temper he hit the girl and once threatened to take his life by jumping out a window of a 21 storey building. He is already married and have a kid and no, she didn't know this when they started to see each other. She wanted him to leave her alone but he told her that he didn't had any money so he couldn't leave. She gave him money for a flight ticket home but he spent them on a hostel and god knows what. Anyway, yesterday she found out she was pregnant with this guy. Abortion is illegal in Chile (This is a country who made divorcing legal in 2004) but I know they perform it in some places. She would be gratefull if anyone could help her find a clinic where they do this.

I know a lof of questions probably arrises now like, how could she have sex with this guy? I don't know. I don't know if he forced her or what, but I know for certain that he will not care about it and she does not want this child.
My question isn't "how could she have sex with this guy," it's "why do you give a fuck about some slut in Chile?"
Malky said:
My question isn't "how could she have sex with this guy," it's "why do you give a fuck about some slut in Chile?"

Seconded, minus the slut part.

If she can't find an abortionist, she should just get someone to hit her in the stomach with a baseball bat like some kids do in the States.
She's an exchange student from Spain(laws in Spain says it's ok with abortion if it threatens the life of the mother or inflicts severe physical damage) and a friend of my girlfriend. My girlfriend got to know her when she was an exchange student herself in Spain.

So, she asked me if I could help her and I thought it was the right thing to do.

Baseball bats sounds like a bad move, really. (Uncontrolled) Damage to both the potential child and the potential mother. She knows it's very risky to go to unauthorized abortion clinic's (low standards due to low funding) but she needs to do it.
Hmm, if my girlfrien was pregnant at the age 17,say, I'd just have the kid. I know my circumstances wouldn't be the same as her's, but it would be so difficult to choose either way.

Would she rather live with a kid, or have the knowledge that she once killed a young foetus to satisfy her own circumstances.

I know that may sound harsh, and I don't know her, but it's the only way to look at it.
If she can't find an abortionist, she should just get someone to hit her in the stomach with a baseball bat like some kids do in the States.
Right, the states being a supreme authority in the intelligence department and all. Sheesh! Things like this make think the USA is full of morons.

Monsharen You tell her that no matter what she doesn't go to some quack to get an abortion! We are talking permanent damage here, like never being able to have kids or even die. Even when the abortion goes down in a good clinic the experience is traumatic as hell so I would really think twice about it... She should forget about that bastard who got her pregnant and think of herself and the baby... maybe her family will understand... just make sure she doesn't do something stupid, ok? She should think of going somewhere were abortion is legal if she really wants to go through with it... how far along is she anyway?
Tell your girlfriend to stand by her, she surely needs someone right now... and keep us posted.
Tell your girlfriend to stand by her, she surely needs someone right now... and keep us posted.

Definitely mate, keep us posted and stick with your girlfriend because she will need you as this decision is likely to affect your girlfriend... But no matter what advice we give, ultimately it's her choice.
Right. Chile. Wants an abortion. Right.

Forget it. Seriously, just forget it. The Abortion Boat is probably sailing the coasts of Africa as it traditionally is and it is the only form of abortion available to anti-abortion-countries that is not life-threatening.

A baseball bat to the stomach is actually safer than an illicit clinic, especially as you can just go to the hospital and say you fell and they'll fix you right up (don't we live in a great age?)

Coldsteel; there's nothing traumatic about having a baby vacuumed out of you except for what your own mind does to you, so screw that.
Vacuum cleaners. If you can't find a legal way to abort the mistake of your life, there are always vacuum cleaners. Just tell that little Chili-con-carne that she should put the hose of a vacuum cleaner into her cunt, choose the 'maximum suckage' option and hit the button. Problem solved.

Another way to get rid of the little monster that is growing inside her is by inserting a really sharp knitting needle into her cunt and poking the fetus until it bleeds to death and dies. The little remaining corpse will eventually rot away or even drop out of her cunt when she's taking a piss or a shit. If that happens, then just flush it to oblivion and be done with it. Do not look at it, 'cause trust me: a punctured fetus lying on a pile of shit and piss isn't exactly a nice sight.

Or call MacGyver.

No, seriously: can't miss Chili-con-carne make a trip to a developed country like Belgium or Great Britain and get an abortion there? I've read somewhere that there's a 'tourist special' where you get a free abortion if you stay at this or that hotel. Maybe you should google it. :roll:
Coldsteel; there's nothing traumatic about having a baby vacuumed out of you except for what your own mind does to you, so screw that.
That was my point exactly, hell for the strictly medical part we have the expertise to make sure the operation goes smoothly, no prob. The psychological effects however can be much worse and taking some pills can't cure that. Plus one such trauma can have some long term effects that one really doesn't need... ok, so I'm a sucker for a damsel in distress... shoot me for it! :roll:

Alec, you seem in shape :lol: when will you get around to chapter four? You know we want it bad.... like really bad... :P
alec said:
I've read somewhere that there's a 'tourist special' where you get a free abortion if you stay at this or that hotel.
Thanks alec, always on the sensitive side. Anything to do with the movie "hostel"?

Anyway, I've found an organization that helps you with booking and planning of the trip to the nearest available "service". Hopefully they will be able to help her.

About the trauma, I know a few others who have done it here in Sweden and they have managed to get along quite well. Now days they say they made the right choice, even if the days around the actual event was pretty messed up. I believe she will manage to go on after this, she just need some very good friends who can help her by talking and making time go by. Death is always a hard topic, especially if oneself is involved.

Update: Belgium and the Netherlands provides abortion without you being a citizen etc. Just cough up the right amount of caps for it and they'll do it.
monsharen said:
IShe wanted him to leave her alone but he told her that he didn't had any money so he couldn't leave. She gave him money for a flight ticket home .

Bwahahahha. This is what you credulous women get for dating with losers.

I mean, seriously, the fuck, she brought this on herself.

Now, the real question is: Why the hell should people at an Internet forum be able to help a misfortunate gal in Chile. Really, if she has friends that can find an underground clinic for her, they're not here. If she can't, well, hard cheese, let her raise the friggin' brat.

Do you people have to screw up your lives like that? Couln't you just refrain from screwing w/o rubber if you can't handle the possible consequences?
If she can afford to buy a plane ticket for her retarded ex-boyfriend, she can afford a ticket to lets say... the UK and do an abortion over there.
monsharen said:
alec said:
I've read somewhere that there's a 'tourist special' where you get a free abortion if you stay at this or that hotel.
Thanks alec, always on the sensitive side.
still, he's right. if you really wanna be on the safe side, travel to a country where it's allowed. like Belgium for instance.

monsharen said:
Update: Belgium and the Netherlands provides abortion without you being a citizen etc. Just cough up the right amount of caps for it and they'll do it.
probably wont be that much you have to pay either.
If you're willing to spend the, what, $2000 to go Belgium, not even checking into the hotel, that'd be your best bet. Expensive fucking abortion, but I'd say it is still better than the baseball bat (and the baseball bat is a legitimate option, despire the barbarity of it).
Anyone ever hear of adoption. If she can handle the 9 months, just have the kid, others have done it. Plus it should not affect her education if the schools are on board with the pregnancy.
You guys are all about being sensitive.

Last I checked you could still get an abortion in New York. As for her personal trauma or guilt, that's up to her. I know people who have felt guilty about it.

A friend of mine is a pharmacist and she told me, quite awhile ago, that it was possible to induce an abortion through the right medication. I am not sure what that is and my firend and I are out of touch (and if I were to ask her, "hey Jeanie, remember you were telling me about how the right mix of chemicals can cause an abortion," she would respond with, "John, what the fuck have done?'")

So another alternative would be to speak to a sympathetic pharmacist.

Avoid the bat. Yes, I have heard that one before.

One thing for sure, don't wait to long. The longer you wait, the worse.
For her own mental well-being you may want to pint this out to her:

Nearly every form of birth control (patch, pill, IUDs), aside from the condom, occasionally result in abortion without the mother even knowing. The fertilized egg either doesn't affix to the uteran wall, or is rejected after a few days. Ergo an abortion (a quick outpatient procedure which takes about an hour) is morally equal to going on the pill.

She shouldn't have any ethical concerns simply because it appears different. Unless of course she decides she's against birth control for causing abortions.
These are the Wild Wild Internets, mang, I'm sure there are like a thousand ways to induce an abortion listed on teh infrawebs, just google it.