ActionTrip interviews Gavin Carter

mactbone said:
NukaColaClassic said:
Kyuu said:
Edge386 said:
Judging by the screenshot of the exploding orc's head

Fallout 3 isn't even out yet and you claim that Fallout 1 & 2's death animations are superior. They've only shown like what, one or two deaths so far? That's the keyword, so far.
Do you have a problem with reading comprehension? He's judging them by what he has seen.
Actually mactbone that was Kyu that said "judging by the screenshot", but we were indeed basing the opinions on the screenshots and previews.

Woo, go quote pyramid!
Right, and I'm saying that's all that was done. There was no definitive, "This game has awful death animations." it was, "Going by the information available, it has awful death animations."

Anyway, I shouldn't defend another poster, I was just getting tired of the "Don't make any judgements on the game using the information we have available, you must wait until you finished the game three time."
i would love it if head shots blow ahead the enemies head, body shots the torso, etc etc.

fallout 1 + 2 had nice death animations yes, but 99% of the time you'd see the chuck of torso getting blown out by an aimed shot, not body part specific animations.

i don't see how that's "superior". especially considering you're comparing a finished game to a year + off game.
We've seen polygon gibbing since Quake. Now we have polygon gibbing with volumetric particle-based blood mist. Woot. It is damn near impossible for Beth to come up with polygon gibbing so radically different from what we've seen in the last 10+ years that it will matter to anybody but konsole fanbois.

Even the death animations in Fallout had character and depth. They ranged some simply falling down to exploding into a million pieces, and hit every point between. Different death animations for different weapons was brilliant.

Gibbing was neat 10 years ago. Now it's de rigueur.
mactbone said:
Kyuu said:
Judging by the screenshot of the exploding orc's head

NukaColaClassic said:
Fallout 3 isn't even out yet and you claim that Fallout 1 & 2's death animations are superior. They've only shown like what, one or two deaths so far? That's the keyword, so far.

Do you have a problem with waiting 'till a game is finished before making silly judgements?

NukaColaClassic said:
Do you have a problem with waiting 'till a game is finished before making silly judgements?

Here's a hint: saying 'judging by this screenshot and previous showings of polygon-based death animations in other games,
Fallout's animations were much better' is a valid commentary not even remotely related to the straw man of 'You're judging an entire game based on nothing!' (even though Bethesda releases information that we are apparently not allowed to criticise, since the game is not out yet).
Nevermore said:
Sounds perfect. I bet Ihsahn is working on it as we speak!
I don't think it would be a good music for gaming - it's not a good background music - Emperor's/Ihsahns music is to complete to be a background music.
Sorrow said:
Nevermore said:
Sounds perfect. I bet Ihsahn is working on it as we speak!
I don't think it would be a good music for gaming - it's not a good background music - Emperor's/Ihsahns music is to complete to be a background music.

I agree with you. I was just kidding around. :)

I just hope they come up with something original rather than a generic "ye olde John Woo style fighting scene" soundtrack.
NukaColaClassic said:
Fallout 3 isn't even out yet and you claim that Fallout 1 & 2's death animations are superior. They've only shown like what, one or two deaths so far? That's the keyword, so far.

So far, the Fallout 1/2 death animations looked way better than what I saw in the demo.

I assume they'll further pretty it up, though. Hopefully fix the awkward ragdoll deaths
I can't wait to blow up megaton so I won't have to hear about it in the future! Stealth boy, combat boy, science boy, etc. What else could there be? Vampire boy perhaps.

Hopefully you can boot up fallout 1 on one of the desk computer in f3.
Brother None said:
Hopefully fix the awkward ragdoll deaths
Ugh, that's one thing that bothers me. Poorly done ragdoll physics result in just really stupid and awkward looking corpses, flailing about like they're made of straw with no skeletal structure and weigh 10 pounds. I mean I understand it's hard to emulate how a real body would react, but if you can't get it looking somewhat decent, better to cut it out. Not to mention bad physics reactions that result in twitchiness at odd times, as was painfully bad in Oblivion.

Alas for the good old days with good looking art and animations. Still haven't quite achieved the same level with polygonal-renderings I think, and in some ways it's way off.

Of course, yes there is a year left to go, but animations have always been poor in Bethesda games (judging mostly by Morrowind and Oblivion of course), in my opinion.
Brother None said:
NukaColaClassic said:
Fallout 3 isn't even out yet and you claim that Fallout 1 & 2's death animations are superior. They've only shown like what, one or two deaths so far? That's the keyword, so far.

So far, the Fallout 1/2 death animations looked way better than what I saw in the demo.

I assume they'll further pretty it up, though. Hopefully fix the awkward ragdoll deaths

Nothing like rib cages showing, half way at least.

Oh, can nothing wrong with Oblivion characters chillin in the doorframes, just going up and down cause they're stuck, dead, in there. AWWWEWWEESOMEEEEEEESSS!
Very good interview.

I don't like the sound of 'content creation pipeline', implying mass production of hackneyed filler after too much time spent on system building (with zillions of producers), but it is probably just production jargon that I'm unfamiliar with.

If only they have some Fallout fanatics with brains as QA people. Who am I kidding, they already know best, so why listen to detailed feedback from seventeen eleventy two? Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if they have many talented people whose feedback doesn't really come out.

The free awareness of V.A.T.S. does bring greater tactical depth, although the cinematics sound like they will get tiresome almost immediately. It would be nice if we could speed it up/turn it off, but it will probably end up as a hard-coded annoyance.

Multiple solutions and consequences again sounds great, but the implementation might not be so great, as seen in the preview.

"sandbox package" that allows NPCs to randomly interact with things in their environment.

*hilarity ensues*

Again, implementation is key.

addition, we have a new category of quests that we term "freeform encounters." As you travel, you'll come across these encounters all over. They're not as big as a full quest, but they will present choices, opportunities for reward, interesting sights and sounds, and more. It should be quite some time before you run out of things to do in Fallout 3, and there will always be more to hit when you play through it again.

Hmm. Coupled with the sandbox thing, I'm reminded of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. To get infinite variety, there would have to be an element of randomisation, rather than merely scripting numerous fleshed-out side-quests. The voice over limits and 'running out of things to do' suggests that they might generate quest combinations and lock them in place along with level difficulty on entering an area for each playthrough. For that, I don't see how you could have multiple solutions. Consequently, he probably doesn't mean random quests but rather that there is a great deal of mutually exclusive possibilities which could be exhausted. I wouldn't mind that myself. Combat random encounters are something else entirely though.

It isn't a party game based game I recall, but mercenaries suggest it could feel like that.

The comments on soundtrack again scream Inon Zur and heavily studio produced music, so we can probably expect more painful epic orchestral type stuff, but no metal.
hmm...the question is ,what kind of Ambient music are they using ? sure ,you also had a lot of ambient music in Oblivion !!!
Sounds perfect. I bet Ihsahn is working on it as we speak!
I wouldn't be surprised if he did !
He is simply too old for BM these days .
AT: We're interested in knowing more about character customization. Is the character creation system similar to Oblivion?

GC: Visually speaking, character customization is very similar to Oblivion, with the ability to push and pull and prod your character's face into any shape you desire. You pick your character's race, and then have a host of options for skin tint, hair color and face shape. We also want to provide a number of pre-made faces that have been lovingly massaged by our artists here, so people have more palatable options to use as starting points.

Great... i'm going to be an elf :D No, wait, an orc perhaps. An orc barbarian, yep, no magic, just hitting and slashing with my sledgehammer :D
This is the part that I feel separates VATS from standard “real-time with pause” systems in that it gives you information to base a tactical choice on.

So VATS is "real-time with pause" with targeting with slow mode (bullet time). IMHO most players will hate VATS because for harcore players it have not enough "tactical options" (vide F1/2 and Jagged Alliance 1/2) and for all other it have - in general- to much "tactical options" .

btw. turning on VATS will (maybe) slow playing (for young players) too - loading of VATS interface will take some time.
Gavin Carter said:
This is the part that I feel separates VATS from standard “real-time with pause” systems in that it gives you information to base a tactical choice on.

See? Now you all know what the difference is. :D

I would prefer if they did a 3D-turn-based Incubation-style thing, but I can live with V.A.T.S. if I don't have to dodge in real-time...

Cold Zer0 said:
While exploring music should be like F1 and F2 - Good

Battle music is epic - Bad!!!

I demand a diplomatic path! :D