First time out of the vault

Any updates ?
Any updates ?
Did u use new FRMs for this? Can u upload those please?
Why you want finish the project for me .
Hehe. I want to use them for my own mod. If I will, I promise to give credit.
Ok, thanks. It would be great if at some point you will upload all FRMs as a .rar file or something.
Hi! First, thank you for all your effort.
Here are my 2 cents with some weapons and armor I created for my own personal mod.
View attachment 16716 (Double Barrelled) Pipe Rifle View attachment 16717 Rusted 10mm Pistol
View attachment 16721 .45 Pistol View attachment 16718 Worn Hunting Rifle View attachment 16719 Dynamite Spear
View attachment 16720 Butterfly Knife View attachment 16722 Knapsack Flamethrower View attachment 16728 40mm EMP Grenade
View attachment 16723 Police Laser Rifle View attachment 16729 Tesla Armor
View attachment 16727 Enhanced Cattle Prod View attachment 16725 Enhanced Power Fist
(The enhanced Cattle Prod and Power Fist serve as replacements for their more powerful counterparts, which got new protos and so may provide an elegant attempt to fix the broken(?) upgrade system)
I also got a huge collection of weapons and armor I took from various mods which I selected to fit nicely together and don't change the tone of the original game too much. These contain sources from several mods like Ecco, Nevada, Ressurection, Megamod, Finesse Weapons, Last Hope, Survivor Mod, as well as from other games like Fallout Tactics, Fallout Online and also some from this cool forum. For some of them I created ground frames as well.
Question is, can I upload all of them as a .frm package or are there restrictions as they aren't originally mine?
In regards to the grenade launcher topic some pages ago these are some from the collection:
View attachment 16730 View attachment 16731 View attachment 16732 (all nevada)
View attachment 16734 MGL (ecco)
Here are the frames I made exclusively on my own (download below).
As for additional content I have lots of ideas and already implemented some of them in my own personal mod.
Here are some of them:
+ implement rocket sledge from red888guns View attachment 16749 and give it rocket sound and fuel consumption
+ change Needler into Flare Gun, changing to fire dmg, flare projectile and flamer sound, ammo into signal flares (early fire weapon)
+ give all sledges the "weapon enhanced knockout" effect to make them more viable
+ generally improve melee weapons to bring them in line with unarmed or guns
+ add throwing as secondary attack to blades
+ add secondary wider throw with additional AP costs for throwables, Heave Ho! fix as well.
+ add more weapons with higher ammo consumption (mostly for higher energy weapons, but double or even triple barelled guns are possible )
View attachment 16750 (last hope mod) View attachment 16753 (megamod)
+ Also I added EMP Ammo for Rocket Launchers, Grenades Launchers and Shotguns (yay!) by modifying ecco's hs_afterhitroll script and it works awesome.
+ Created a stunning effect for Stun PowderView attachment 16754 and Flash GrenadesView attachment 16755 (both tactics) also by modifying ecco's hs_combatdamage script (with stat, critter and armor checks).
+ Not to mention ecco's stealth attack feature. I added spear gunView attachment 16751 (tactics) and crossbowView attachment 16752 (dunno anymore) and made them "silent" together with other weapons like thrown blades, axes, shuriken and spears. I linked it with the former useless "Silent Death" perk to make this perk a viable option.
Just to mention some.
+ For general balance I greatly enjoy the combat.ini weapon/ammo/drugs destroy on death feature. With that you can give critters more drugs and ammo in random encounters without risking in swimming in loot. Removing all money from them and adding a secondary melee weapon helps too.
+ I really like the food contains radiation attempt. I would give stimpacks an even more amount as their ingredients are strong chems and lorewise vault citizens would have access to easy anti-rad tools to counter this.
+ As for drugs I love giving beer a +melee dmg boost and give it to varius thugs in the world map.
+ Nevada made a nice attempt to give alcohol a small anti-rad effect. So you have a nice co-use of drugs and a use for alcohol at all.
+ I recommend adding weaker big guns like hand flamer View attachment 16756 (tactics) or a light flamerView attachment 16757 (survivor mod) as well as early energy guns to give a better balance between weapon classes.
woooow !! amazing work guys !!!! so what's your plan with this mod vali ??