Adrenaline Vault Bethesda Podcast

TychoXI said:
tsk tsk

Arrogance + incompetence + immaturity + awsumz heads asploding = Bethesda.


Of course, you can't have teh immershun without that!

A shame that a once prestigious company became overrun by hacks and money-mongrels...
"We listen to the problem, not the solution"

Hmm, they listen to the problem, eh.

Fact: Vast majority of gamers complained about the stupid/horrible way the game ends.

Bethesda’s interpretation: a lot of gamers complain because the game has an ending.
We listen to the fans, so we decided to remove this restriction in the third DLC. Woot!!

Perception check: failed.
Intelligence check: failed also.

After listening to the podcast, I’m getting the impression that Bethesda’s bigwigs don’t feel/act like they inherited the IP, but rather it was given to them as a present, a “toy”, a Lego-like toy, to do whatever they pleased.
So they took this “toy”, broke it down to pieces - as kids do - kept some of them, and with the addition of parts from their other “game-toy” built the monstrosity called Fallout 3.

But what to expect from a guy (Emil) who gives Dreamfall:TLG as an example of perfect dialogues in a game. I guess he has never heard of, or doesn’t appreciate games like the previous Fallouts, PS:T, Arcanum, Bloodlines:VTM.
Also, his three top games ever: Dreamfall:TLG, Uncharted, Call of Duty. Woot!!

Tsk,tsk, I’m speechless. Go Emil, go.
Patton89 said:
They kicked out everyone that had talent or skills.
Thats what happened.
And now we have oblivion and fallout 3.

Well that's no surprise. The average quality of game design/writing has descended greatly over the years. When graphics sucked and were limited by the technology they made up for it by focusing on the story/gameplay, or boosting content as much as was allowed.

But as the graphics tech improves that no longer becomes an issue and crap gets passed off as pretty. It's the same kind of thing we've been seeing in the movie industry.

So really we won't see any improvement in the quality of the Bethesda games for a while now. As long as people keep buying up crappy/average games and proclaiming them as wonderful, we won't see change.

Personally I think we'll need to see a few changes in the community first.
The big one. Game journalism becoming more professional. Frankly the majority of it is a joke and litle more than an advertisement for the game industry. A more professional journalistic community means more criticism the devs have to listen to and more change.

I think the recession might help here, oddly enough. Less money to buy games means people will care more about buying the right game. This puts pressure on the journalists to report fairly. That in turn. Or at least that's my theory/hope.
thenightgaunt said:
I think the recession might help here, oddly enough. Less money to buy games means people will care more about buying the right game. This puts pressure on the journalists to report fairly. That in turn. Or at least that's my theory/hope.
I'm not so sure about that, people are bad with money and I think that it might take a depression to really shake the foundations of gaming and bring some change. That said, I think you're right about where it needs to start. As long as consumers and critics buy and praise average and mediocre games and ignore their flaws, the industry isn't going to improve.
Well, if the film and music industry are any indication of how long this change may take, it will be a while... a good long while.

And yes, the Bethsoft guys have no fucking clue what they're doing... if only I could box them like Uwe Boll did with his dissenters, though I'd prefer a back-alley brawl. With bricks.
There's some good stuff in this interview. Both Pete and Emil behave professionally and express thoughtful, if objectionable and expectable ideas.

When Pete says his favorite story in a game is Oblivion, he's personifying a new kind of gamer that is explicitly attracted to the vastly open ended... I think. Is that really a new kind of gamer? Other things... Story whore? Shakespeare? Anybody?
100LBSofDogmeat said:
Well, if the film and music industry are any indication of how long this change may take, it will be a while... a good long while.

And yes, the Bethsoft guys have no fucking clue what they're doing... if only I could box them like Uwe Boll did with his dissenters, though I'd prefer a back-alley brawl. With bricks.

True. Though you have to wonder if the cost difference will make an impact. Movies were like $7 at the theatre and maybe $3 to rent, and then $20 to buy. And if you look that's changing. It's like $10-12 to go see a film in the theatre and $25 to buy and that's having an effect on the film industry. Not a big one though.

One the other hand, games are about $50-60, not to mention that thanks to retailers like Gamestop, the whole resell market's screwing over the production companies because each resell is a sell the company looses out on. Plus they're dealing with a rather limited customer base. So it seems like the loss of sales would hurt the gaming industry alot faster. Though, you can see that the aim for the industry is still to get new players. That hurts us as a community as it means that they'll continue to water down their product to make it a little easier to spread it around. That's my worry, that we won't see a positive spin to any of this. That instead it will only encourage those trends we hate to see. Now is not a time to take risks.

Id say look to the indy developers, but then hell that's a bit hit a miss too.
100LBSofDogmeat said:
Well, if the film and music industry are any indication of how long this change may take, it will be a while... a good long while.

And yes, the Bethsoft guys have no fucking clue what they're doing... if only I could box them like Uwe Boll did with his dissenters, though I'd prefer a back-alley brawl. With bricks.

True. Though you have to wonder if the cost difference will make an impact. Movies were like $7 at the theatre and maybe $3 to rent, and then $20 to buy. And if you look that's changing. It's like $10-12 to go see a film in the theatre and $25 to buy and that's having an effect on the film industry. Not a big one though.

One the other hand, games are about $50-60, not to mention that thanks to retailers like Gamestop, the whole resell market's screwing over the production companies because each resell is a sell the company looses out on. Plus they're dealing with a rather limited customer base. So it seems like the loss of sales would hurt the gaming industry alot faster. Though, you can see that the aim for the industry is still to get new players. That hurts us as a community as it means that they'll continue to water down their product to make it a little easier to spread it around. That's my worry, that we won't see a positive spin to any of this. That instead it will only encourage those trends we hate to see. Now is not a time to take risks.

Id say look to the indy developers, but then hell that's a bit hit a miss too.