After Reset - classic post-apocalyptic role-playing game

Actually, it reminds me more of some helmets in Mass Effect series or Dead Space.
The helmet is cool, but I think that without the rest of the armor, I cannot properly "rate" it.
Nevertheless, looking good.
Guys, thanks. What do you think about icon variants? Which one do you like? Or none?

4 or 8, and I think 8 may be more like it. I've come to associate that picture of helmet in the sand with After Reset, and the actual helmet design is still a bit foreign to me.
So yeah, I think it should be 8.

Also, on 6 and 7, isn't that the flag like the one in USA of Fallout 3?

I've just checked - looks like similar flag )
My version is just of simple combination of USA/EU/CHINA flags...
MrNixon said:
My version is just of simple combination of USA/EU/CHINA flags...

Maybe you should change it.
I mean, I don't mind it, but I don't know how the whole thing with copyrights goes, but you may get in trouble with Bethesda if you go with this.
They are pretty happy to use their lawyers with most baseless claims, but should this game get a green light and all, you may have a problem.

All I'm saying is, check it first and good luck.
Maybe you should change it. I mean, I don't mind it, but I don't know how the whole thing with copyrights goes, but you may get in trouble with Bethesda if you go with this. They are pretty happy to use their lawyers with most baseless claims, but should this game get a green light and all, you may have a problem.
I've consulted my lawyers. It is cool, no need to change our flag:
Moreover, I would like the UG hints at Enclave :)

No one Bethesda will stop us from making After Reset RPG!

//btw: with respect to RIP and in memory of the great Black Isle Studio which gave birth to the Baldur’s Gate, the Planescape: Torment and almost to the Fallout 3: Van Buren, we have established our Black Cloud Studios (Los Angeles, CA) to work on After Reset RPG. With the name/logo we hope to embody those values and creativity that reigned over the game-dev market in the nineties.

The terrain itself is okay, I guess, but you should work on scenery. One type of bush is not gonna cut it.

But I suppose you're already working on that, since this is an early screenshot, after all.
Hello, fellows. Here we have a couple of fresh screenshots for fun for you. Following our trend of evolution of level design now we are able to generate the whole exterior areas of The Great Desert ( and The State of Eagle (




The area gameplay will be shown during our Kickstarter campaign. But now you can download those screenshots in Full-HD (1920x1080) from there:

Enjoy )