Afterfall: For A Fistful Of Renders And An Announcement


Orderite, a news service in Poland, has posted an article about Afterfall. Since the article is full of factual errors and contributes nothing new, the only interesting part are four new renders from Afterfall accompanying it.



Worthy of mention is also the fact that Andrzej "intoxicate" Koloska has stated that a full list of Afterfall features will be announced in the coming days.

Link: on post-nuclear Silesia

Thanks Lexx.
those'r WIP screens from Warsaw location.

On next week we'll prepare for you info about Afterfall Feartures and changes.
Without wanting to sound unfriendly, I'll be shocked if people still care about an info-list. I'd say common perspective now sees this game as vapourware or never-been, and I doubt anything less than screens or a video could really get people warmed up again.

A shame, it had some good will once.
I'd say common perspective now sees this game as vapourware or never-been, and I doubt anything less than screens or a video could really get people warmed up again.
Yea, I know that. You must be patient...we are preparing for you something bigger than gameplay video or screens, but it takes time, and we don't wanna give you something unpolished.
Great news :D I've been following your progress since burgeoise(<-Probably full of typos) and been excited since.
And your extra-offical news are even better :D
Love the block of houses.

As BN said: you guys would benefit from more communication with the outside world, preferably in the shape of gameplay vids or better even: a playable demo.
intoxicate said:
Yea, I know that. You must be patient...we are preparing for you something bigger than gameplay video or screens, but it takes time, and we don't wanna give you something unpolished.
If you your project doesn't lack one thing, it's polish! I love puns :-)

To add anything to the news posting: I'm quite sceptic about Afterfall nowadays as well. It sounded good but the recent PR disaster is really worrying me.
First thought. No dynamic shadows? Man, instead of going for pretty textures and meshes, go for the fucking shadows. It's much better and more effective if you want good graphics.

I don't care about the graphics much though, but those screens look too good not to have dynamic shadows.
Morbus said:
First thought. No dynamic shadows? Man, instead of going for pretty textures and meshes, go for the fucking shadows. It's much better and more effective if you want good graphics.

I don't care about the graphics much though, but those screens look too good not to have dynamic shadows.

Well to be fair, these don't look like they're being rendered in game. they look more like shots of assets. Notice how they all have cut-offs as if they were sort of like tile sets?
Morbus said:
I don't care about the graphics much though, but those screens look too good not to have dynamic shadows.
Look here and here and here.

The captions below say the screenshots came from the techdemo. Assuming that these same quality of shadows will make their way into the game, I would say that the shadows are looking pretty good. I'm not sure what happens when you knock a chair over, but I would think that you could do that in game, and I would expect that the shadows would shift. Of course I don't know any of this for sure, and it could be that those screenshots weren't rendering using the in game rendering engine. I would love to see even a short video clip of the rendering in game.

Were you talking about dynamic lighting ala Doom 3 (the swinging overhead light in the dark room is the main example)? Self-shadowing objects, universal lighting, and shadow volumes - there are a lot of ways to improve how shadowing is rendered in game, but it doesn't have to be idTech 5 to look good; especially for a top-down action (?), horror RPG (?).
Those are obviously some editor renders, and kinda ugly at that.

Kinda what source maps look like when rendered in the level editor... looks much better in game engine once it's there
Hope so.

Also, didn't they change the engine. If they did, the old screenshots mean next to nothing.