Afterfall: Insanity financial woes, trailer, $1 pre-order

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This ghoul has seen it all
Assuming all our readers still remember indie post-apocalyptic horror game Afterfall: Insanity (if not, it's an indie post-apocalyptic horror game), there have been several bits of news on Afterfall reaching our attention lately, so in order: first, Parkiet and Polygamia report (in Polish) that the indie studio has been reaching some very predictable bumps in their overly ambitious project. CEO Thomas Majka notes they have been "too optimistic". A major shareholder withdrew his financing as the company tries to raise more capital to supplement its 15 million PLN (3,3 million EUR) budget.

Then a trailer hit!

<center><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></center>
And then, to indicate they've gone completely off the deep end, they've got a unique offer: pre-order the game for $1 dollar, and if 10 million people in total do so, you'll get the full game. If not, all the money will go to charity and you'll just have to buy the game. The stunt might at least get them some attention but is laughable, our host Atomic Gamer editorializes on it and really sums up the entire Afterfall: Insanity development cycle on in one sentence:<blockquote>I think that these guys are onto something, but this all-or-nothing approach is misguided and overly ambitious, especially coming from an indie studio that isn't really known at all.</blockquote>You can see the ongoing counter on their website, as of this posting it is at 12109. The game is set to release November 15th, which'll be in the middle of a flurry of AAA titles.
Yeah... Seeing as blockbusters like Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas sold 5 million units a piece(across all platforms), good luck on getting that number in just preorders. Even at $1.
The trailer reminds me of Dead Space, which isn't a bad thing.
Heh :) I actually worked in that office building in Katowice for a year. The developers of the game seemed like a bunch of loosers and they always left their stink in the elevator!
This is an interesting idea, but...
10 million is too many
there is not enough time

If they announced this 6 months ago, and set the goal to...2 million, and informed all big websites, I could see it possible.
November the 15th release date? Ouch, the same day as Saints Row 3 and only a few days after Skyrim and Modern Warfare 3.
Can't think of a worse time to release.
There's no way they will make it 10 million ever. Specially considering this looks like the kind of game that just attracts pirates and detracts buyers. It looks kind of cool, but what's the point of another action game? Don't we have enough of those already?

Also, it's 10 times more expensive to produce than a proper RPG is... Just a waste of good money.

Seriously, these guys still around and kicking? Their project has been doomed since they deviated from their initial vision. Basically speaking, if you design your game as your building it, you're going to fail.
Looks like Dead Space.. which makes it kinda appealing - if I didn't know how little chance this game has of ever being released.
But this game was made to produce money, so they can make the ambitious RPG of the old 'Afterfall' website!

Will never happen. :p

Afterfall should have remained a hobby project. It probably would have been better than what it has become now.
Brilliant marketing campaign. They KNOW they won't get to 10 million so they'll still sell their product at full price and achieve a ton of free advertising in the process.
Very true.
Free advertisement and the warm fuzzy feeling of donating to charity, woo! Who's the smelly looser now Shang, huh? HUH?!
Surprised no-ones commented on the awful voice acting and script...

"Its all over.... ::DUN:: Because... ::DUN:: Everyone is dead..."

Awful... Just awful.
Makagulfazel said:
Very true.
Free advertisement and the warm fuzzy feeling of donating to charity, woo! Who's the smelly looser now Shang, huh? HUH?!

I would still say they are :twisted:

But I never said they were losers, only that they looked like that which I still think is the case (c'mon, who wears sunglasses inside a not too well lit office building?). And they DID leave a ripe smell in the elevator when they used it so I still say they stink :mrgreen:

They game looks ok, though. Nothing worth buying compared to the existing and future competition but still - ok.
Heh, just poking some fun.
For a small studio, I think it looks pretty nice. We'll see how it fairs in reviews or get a better glimpse when more gameplay videos come out.