Afterfall interview

intoxicate said:
I'll tell you all something.
Afterfall will be released sunner or after. - i'm 100% sure about that.

But the question is when.. well we have a lot options from publishers and other crap people who wanna make Afterfall comercial shit like action rpg, pa-horror fps, mmorpgs and such like this. Im gonna say that I dont want to make crap game, comercial shit and whateva. I and We( intoxicate interactive) wanna make realy freakin good CRPG game.

Again: Afterfall will be released as it is, but i realy cant tell ya when. Imho you must wait for Fallout 3 first ;)
You say no to them, don't let them change the game please.

Freaking smokers...

Editors don't know shit about games, find someone that's willing to do some serious good game, not some shitty shiny crap... Go for it intoxicate, we're all with you.
Demonslayer said:
It's good to know that there are still people who aren't sell outs.

You are people, right?


intoxicate you have apparently understood and seen that there is a big piece within the gaming core that have gone missing. I don't understand why publishers haven't fully understood this. Im sure that if any of the big pubslihers would start producing "real CRPGs" (not action-rpg) they would probably soon realise that they can make lots of money on this genre, due to the shortage of competitors.

I hope you get this game out, and soon, so it can spearhead the market and make more pubslihers see what they are missing out on. Money is the argument that will win the battle :)

Anyway... Keep it up!!
find someone that's willing to do some serious good game
I have someone already :) but it'll take time do develop Afterfall to the end.

As i say, all of us must wait for Fallout 3, then Afterfall :)

And realy thanks for your support people for all the years. I can say that all of you have a part in our developmend (even that pedal Wooz ;) )

Well, take your time, guys, don't mind us. We will be right here, preparing our torches and pitchforks, and fueling our anger on the Fallout 3 fiasco... and then, turn our heads to Afterfall...
