Afterfall launches new website, still vapourware

Afterfall devs. said:
For many years we have worked on universe, that will be bigger, better, and more interesting than any game-world ever before. Now we can freely say "We made it"


They made it, because they arbitrarily say so.
All else aside, the concept art is pretty kickin'. A good use of junk to craft armor. Is that a keyboard shin guard?
Ah, vaporware. What a really easy way to make money.

All you need is:

1) A good con artist to act as your VP of financing. His job is to convince investors that your product is for real without ever showing them said (non-existent) product.

2) A web artist to make you a really good website. This is essential to create the illusion that your company is for real.

3) A lot of dumb suckers who will give you money.

Want to start a new vaporware company? Just send me $29.95 and I'll start development* on an incredible** package of instructional videos*** that outline how to be a successful**** vaporare company, all from the comfort of home!*****

*That means I'll think about it.
**Incredible, as in: Not credible.
***Some imagination required.
****Some failure may occur.
*****By "From the comfort of home" I mean that I will sit at home, in comfort, as you send me money.
TheSarge said:
Want to start a new vaporware company? Just send me $29.95 and I'll start development* on an incredible** package of instructional videos*** that outline how to be a successful**** vaporare company, all from the comfort of home!*****

*That means I'll think about it.
**Incredible, as in: Not credible.
***Some imagination required.
****Some failure may occur.
*****By "From the comfort of home" I mean that I will sit at home, in comfort, as you send me money.

Thanks, TheSarge, you just made my day! :rofl:
I wonder what the Afterfall developers who read this thread are thinking...

Meh, they should stop reading and start working on the damn game already!
can someone explain to me how the website is new? it looks the same as the one that has been around for many months before

only thing that seems different is a few new pictures
New is the domain. The old one ( got lost.
Now this newspost's gonna be a classics. :smug: A kind of a cautionary tale.

On the other hand, I myself wouldn't scrap them for the time being. Not nice, y'know. I mean, it's still theirs wasted time, not ours (saving BN).