Bodybag said:
Morbus said:
=and with the attention to graphics, features will be dropped out, there'll be little time for testing and balancing and writing and brainstorming
Why does this argument continue to draw breath?
Because they are not Blizzard and they don't have infinite resources/time.
Because they almost had the whole thing canceled because of lack of funding, and they simply don't have the money to make great graphics (like those) AND have 20 GOOD people writing (in Polish and English, at least), AND have at least 5 people with solid ideas surveying the whole thing making sure it's built right from the start.
It's not a valid argument per se, as in, you have graphics equals a crappy game, it's just that a big world with that kind of graphical quality takes millions to build, and even though I'm sure they'd be able to find good designers and writers to work for very few money, having them work side by side with the artists who are earing much more than them and doing arguably a lot less is just not possible in this world. I mean, Age of Decadence, and Cyclopean may have an awesome "feature-oriented" team for almost zero cost, and sure, they don't have pretty graphics, but you can't expect to throw a million dollar art team to work with them and pay them the same.
Brother None said:
I mean, a big-ass company can invest plenty in both graphics and "features" (whatever that means specifically)
They sure don't seem interested in that...
Brother None said:
* with the note that Afterfall's feature list was mocked as unrealistic from day 1.
That's also one of my concerns. A feature list like that would take millions itself to accomplish, WITHOUT the preteeh grapheex...
Lexx said:
They already told that some things will be cutted out. But it isn't announced yet, what they have cutted out.
They keep talking about changes for the best and stuff like that. In marketing-tongue that means features that were cut off so they could do the game and spend less time/money. It's not that I don't believe the team itself, but their marketing department sounds 100% corporative (or something). When they say they are doing some changes to the original vision, you may aswell expect the worse, and you may still be surprised with the outcome (for the worse).