Age of Decadence Combat Demo Available

i can't even get it to start.

an error pops up saying "Display Change Failed: Hardware failed to switch to the specified mode". My monitor is wide screen, but changing it to standard didn't make a difference. Any suggestions?
What windows version? Also what VGA? That may help solve the problem from their end.

Just saying.
The demo was vastly entertaining. The things that bugged me though were how low my fps was compared to the graphics, that I couldn't seem to attack in a 45 degree angle, and lastly that I didn't recieve a tip about what the misc. buttons were when I held my mouse pointer over them (no biggie though).

Oh, and that sledgehammer-guy was OP!
just out of curiosity since there is a combat demo available with a few errors here and there though but what can one expect for a release of the game and whats the status of current development ? I am not asking for a fixed date but do you have any guess ?
i can't even get it to start.

an error pops up saying "Display Change Failed: Hardware failed to switch to the specified mode". My monitor is wide screen, but changing it to standard didn't make a difference. Any suggestions?

As Morbus said, having your specs would be nice.

ust out of curiosity since there is a combat demo available with a few errors here and there though but what can one expect for a release of the game and whats the status of current development ? I am not asking for a fixed date but do you have any guess ?

After rushing the demo for a Christmas release and getting some nasty bugs in return, I can only say "When it's done". That said, development is going pretty well, but right now we are focused on fixing the current issues with the demo.
Elhoim said:
Just curious, but why do you think it's more fantasy than PA?
Fantastical world, swords, axes, knights, legions etc.

If Tolkein destroyed 99% of the LOTR world and then wrote a novel about the aftermath, it would still be fantasy. In my opinion of course.

Still it looks like a good game so I'll have to try it out.
warsaw said:
Elhoim said:
As Morbus said, having your specs would be nice.

I'm running Vista.
Intel Core 2 duo CPU
T5800 @ 2.00 GHz
4GB of RAM

Can you delete the config.cs, config.dso, prefs.cs and prefs.dso from the /AoD Demo/AoD/client/ folder and then retry? That will clear the default configuration and run the game in windowed mode. Then you can change the different options.
Elhoim said:
warsaw said:
Elhoim said:
As Morbus said, having your specs would be nice.

I'm running Vista.
Intel Core 2 duo CPU
T5800 @ 2.00 GHz
4GB of RAM

Can you delete the config.cs, config.dso, prefs.cs and prefs.dso from the /AoD Demo/AoD/client/ folder and then retry? That will clear the default configuration and run the game in windowed mode. Then you can change the different options.

This worked. Thanks.
While this isn't "moder-times" so to speak, this is probably the best version and evolution of Fallout-ish combat there is. You definitely see the resemblance but it's a lot more fine-tuned and fun. Great stuff.
I like the climate of this game. It`s post-apocalyptic fantasy heavy influenced by fall of Roman Empire :) Thanks to this move we have fantasy world with many links with history making it more realistic.
Also the weapons and its descriptions are nice.
Character system and combat is very good.
Interface needs a little more polishing but is ok (eg. reloading crossbow should be like in Fallout and only changing ammo type should require right-click).
I think AoD could be a really superb game, especially for fans of turn based fights and good 'mature' story.

There is a lot of work for game creators and hope they will finish it.
Good work!