Age of Decadence Goodness is Back


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
It's been a while since we said something about the upcoming indie classical cRPG by Iron Tower Studio, but fear not, we haven't forgotten it. Anyway, Vince D. Weller was interviewed by Alley of Infinite Angles.<blockquote>3. You have previously described your team as “picking up Troika’s ball because somebody had to”. What is it about games like Troika’s that today’s RPGs aren’t providing, and why is it important to keep that flame alive?

I don't think that in the last 10-15 years anyone did as much to truly push the RPG genre forward as Troika did. Fallout and Arcanum are two of the best RPGs ever created. ToEE had the best and most faithful DnD turn-based combat and one of the best turn-based combat implementations in general. Bloodlines was probably one of the first successful attempts to fuse action with role-playing. Robust dialogue trees with skillchecks, focus on characters and dialogues, non-linearity, multiple options and paths, choices & consequences - that's Troika. We are influenced by Troika's games, by Troika's design philosophy, by Troika's ideas.

Troika's games were different. Troika's RPGs were actually ROLE-PLAYING games, not games with adjustable stats. Sure, they were buggy and often unpolished, but I'd rather play a brilliant, but unpolished game, than a well-polished, generic and uninspiring game.

Needless to say, we'll do our best to deliver well-tested and polished games for our audience.

4. What made you go for turn-based combat in Age of Decadence, and what do you have to say to those who believe that it is a relic of the past?

Real time and first-person view are as old as turn-based and isometric. Probably even older. See Diablo 3 "OMG! Why is it isometric?!" drama for more info:

“Camera is not technology,” says Wilson [Diablo 3 lead designer], clearly somewhat frustrated. “People associate the camera with isometric and say: ‘Oh, why didn’t you update the tech?’ Well, we did update the tech. The camera has nothing to do with tech, the camera is all about gameplay. Isometric gameplay is very different from FPS or over-the-shoulder third person – which is pretty much what the entire industry is moving towards. But then some of the biggest hits of the last year were Guitar Hero and Rock Band, and those were not high-tech games. Gameplay is what matters; it’s what’s always mattered to us.”

Similarly, turn-based isn't about tech, it's about gameplay. It can't be a relic because games like Civilization and Heroes of Might and Magic still exist and aint going nowhere. To understand what TB offers, let's imagine RT Civ. Imagined? Well, there you go.

Turn-based gameplay is about thinking, considering your options, and using tactical advantages. Real-time gameplay is about clicking really, really fast (hence the twitch gameplay name). The fact that when developers want to offer you a bit more depth in your RT cereal they pause it, should tell you everything you need to know.

Why AoD is turn-based? Because we like TB games and we spit on your RT crap. What? The mike is still on. Oh, shit! Now we'd have to issue a press-release stating that RT games are as good as TB games and that we are all huge RT fans. Thanks a lot!</blockquote>I'd also recommend you visiting A Few Characters and A conversation with Marcus Cornelius Arvina for the latest updates about the game, in the official forums.

Link: Vince D. Weller @ Alley of Infinite Angles
I think Bethesda should read answer number 4. Not that they would learn anything from it... but maybe they wouldn't be so eager to justify FPS-view and RT-combat by comments such as: "It's no fun." or "It's old-fashioned."

Why AoD is turn-based? Because we like TB games and we spit on your RT crap. What? The mike is still on. Oh, shit! Now we'd have to issue a press-release stating that RT games are as good as TB games and that we are all huge RT fans. Thanks a lot!

Good interview, raised my interest in the game significantly. I hadn't been following it very closely and didn't realize how much interaction they have with their forum goers, quite encouraging.
Why AoD is turn-based? Because we like TB games and we spit on your RT crap. What? The mike is still on. Oh, shit! Now we'd have to issue a press-release stating that RT games are as good as TB games and that we are all huge RT fans. Thanks a lot!
Probably not the best comment to make PR wise but entertaining it is :D

The man always did have a lot of balls.

But yeah, the level of interaction they have is pretty incredible - makes me wonder if they had enough time left for developing the game.

Good to see it's being read, as you can see I'm still damn new at this stuff, so feel free to tell me if any of the questions sucked butt, etc.
If you intended to go for superficial gaming information and mostly stuff from his game design philosophy then yeah, it's ok, if a bit short.

Personally when I interview I always consider for at least a few questions "what are my readers most interested in" and for a few others "what kind of question is this guy not expecting". The former are too often ignored by game media guys, the latter can lead to fun times, and pretty interesting answers. Surprisingly often they overlap, for instance I have yet seen anyone call Ken Levine on a lot of the bullshit design decisions in BioShock, even though many people would like to see such questions asked (interview requests from me bounce off the man, tho').

The rest is padding. Your interview is mostly padding, which is fine especially when the interviewee will take care of himself like Vince does.
Vince? Yea... he's got a few bags of spare balls, keeps them in the shed. What can you say, IRL he's an ad guy... they're as gutsy as used car dealers.

So happy to hear AOD's still moving forward. Awesome, awesome project that I'm just itching to have in my hot little hand.

Yep, I agree that it's Vince who mostly makes the interview. Was very good of him to go beyond the call of duty.

My focus *was* on his philosophy rather than AoD itself, since the Alley is intending to be more of a game industry/culture commentary rather than covering specific games... although, of course, that's a weird 'niche' and I may well find myself eating dirt or changing tack.

Another issue is - Kevin answered your question about criticisms in great detail in the GB interview BN, but that's something that requires both clout (as GameBanshee) and skill in askin'.

Anyway, AoD definitely looks awesome. May be the first indie game I buy... and considering how dirt poor I am that's an achievement.
It is good to have such an outspoken defender of RPG fundamentals to counterbalance all the weak-willed compromisers.

I hope AoD can cultivate enough of a following to carve out it's own little nitch.
That's gonna be a hell of a game to play, the replay value of AoD alone will get you to play this game for a year.

Just the other day i was lurking around Iron Tower Studios Forum and some guy suggested in a thread to allow female characters to disguise themselves as male and join the guards or other male only faction. :clap:

I mean they are putting so many options for us, with input from the already fans at the forum that my expectations are way up there. I just hope i get my AoD fix soon.
Keep the torch alight, Vince!

I'm a dirty poor guy too, but this? THIS I'll have to buy in some way! Fuck Fallout 3, I want THIS. GAME. IT. WILL. ROOOOOOOCK!!
to be more of a game industry/culture commentary

In that sense it has come leaps and bounds. For everyone that went there for the interview take some time to read the rest of the blog, it's really shaping up as a great project for those into gaming culture like me and a few others here.
Very good stuff, thanks to Mr. Dweller for his project.

I'm looking forward to playing this.
This looks absolutely good.
I wonder if it's ever getting released in Asia.
Or I'll need to find some online retailers again.
kyosuke said:
This looks absolutely good.
I wonder if it's ever getting released in Asia.
Or I'll need to find some online retailers again.
Vice said they'll do anything so that everybody who wants to buy the game is able to buy and play it. So I don't think you have anything to worry about. Also, it's being released in the web, so you just have to download it, in a direct2Drive-like way.
Morbus said:
kyosuke said:
This looks absolutely good.
I wonder if it's ever getting released in Asia.
Or I'll need to find some online retailers again.
Vice said they'll do anything so that everybody who wants to buy the game is able to buy and play it. So I don't think you have anything to worry about. Also, it's being released in the web, so you just have to download it, in a direct2Drive-like way.

That would be great.
Once I manage to kick my internet into working for me properly, that is...

Thanks for the info! :salute:
No matter how good the interviews are etc., I somehow have a really rotten feeling about this game.

A big part of it is how Morbus delivers the news. "Decadence Goodness is back"... Seriously.

Secondly, I get a manipulative feeling from Vince's answers.

I don't mean any offence, just telling you what kind of a feeling I'm getting, because I'm sure I'm not the only one. (so this is something to be improved upon... at least my first point)
Interesting. What exactly sounds so manipulative about Vince's answers?

He promises a lot, certainly, but he acknowledges that, and to his credit he tries/does show more to back things up than, I don't know, Bethesda.
SpeaK said:
No matter how good the interviews are etc., I somehow have a really rotten feeling about this game.

A big part of it is how Morbus delivers the news. "Decadence Goodness is back"... Seriously.

Well, a lot of us here at NMA are really looking forward to the game. Morbus is one of those; he's simply stating his opinion about how the game's coming along.

It's too bad you've got a rotten feeling about the game. I don't get that at all... but I really started looking forward to it a while ago. Loving what I've seen so far.

Secondly, I get a manipulative feeling from Vince's answers.

Manipulative? I dunno. Harsh? Yes. This is his side project, a chance for him to blow off steam and say whatever anonymously, basically... since his real job is with some big company (I think) in advertising, and 'Vince' is just a pseudonym. He's obviously very passionate about what he's doing, and, damn can he be blunt, but I personally don't get 'manipulative.'
Read about the game last week, it does look to have lots of features, but why does it have that "very old game" feeling? Maybe the graphics.
And this is a bad thing? Who cares about graphics, or old game feeling as long as the story, dialogue, and gameplay are excellent?