Age of Decadence

PaladinHeart said:
I hope not, for the game's sake.

Huh? It was a joke, for the website. I'm not sure what the game's sake has to do with that. The joke's not in the game, methinks.
"Welcome to the ruins of Zamedi. It used to be a large city, but that was before it was hit by three 1D4+1 magic missiles in a row during a decade-long war."
In the world of Age of Decadence I am pretty sure that most people that had heard of the legend of the thermonuclear missiles would consider them quite magical. I think it's a joke and at any rate, the intro text to a location is probably the easiest thing for them to change.

alec said:
It's also not isometric even though their site mentions it is. People should get their shit right with isometric. Fallout and Fallout 2 and Arcanum, for example, are isometric. Isometric = lack of perspective, but still the illusion of 3D on a 2D medium. All lines are parallel and continue to do so to infinity (under a certain angle).
AoD clearly has perspective if you look at the screenshots. It's simply top-down perspective. Nothing more.
To me, the perspective seems too much from the side to call it top-down (which is more FO:PoS). Maybe we should make up some new word to differentiate it from top-down and over-the-shoulder. How about balchony-view?
Brother None said:
Huh? It was a joke, for the website. I'm not sure what the game's sake has to do with that. The joke's not in the game, methinks.

and regardless, it was a funny one at that so it was well played. Some people are just stodgy.
Unofficial Age of Decadence FAQ said:
When can we expect the demo? *New*

On December 14th 2008, it was made known to the community that a combat demo was planned for sometime in March 2009 if the team encounters no problems. (Ref) According to the lead designer, this demo should be under 200mb. (Ref)
It hasn't been mentioned here before, so I thought that I would post this bit of news. Note that this was said to be a combat demo - probably because they are trying hard to keep the plot under wraps. The demo will likely include arena fighting, skill progression, and looting, but probably not much stealth or persuasion.

Here's to hoping that no problems have come up to hinder their demo release.
I wonder how many more months it will take them to finish polishing up their game?

This was posted on December 08, 2007 by Vince

"It's hard to say when the game will be released. The important thing is it's playable and all the content is done. Right now we are going over everything and improving what needs to be improved. We'll take as long as we need and will release only a polished, well designed game."

Surely they won't spend a whole year polishing up the game?

The Cyclopea (Cyclopean?) thing they mentioned sounds interesting. There aren't nearly enough Lovecraft inspired games.
Annnnd another month goes by. xD

I checked out their forums and there was mention of umm.. what's that thing? Oh yeah, marketing. So mayyyybe it might be released soon. :D
They're releasing a combat demo soon (they were originally thinking march, but they always seem to delay). I reckon the game will be out mid 2010.

Cycoplean is indeed awesome seeming. Following that made me finally start reading Lovecraft.
At least the combat demo will let me know if I should continue to be interested in the game. I hope it's not like Arcanum's combat system. xD

I know, it's suppose to be turn based but I can't think of a bad turn based combat system. :P

Well actually Fallout Tactics' TB system was so bad I just used the RT system.
Excellent, having presence on Steam from the get-go could make all the difference in terms of commercial success.

Thursday can't come soon enough!

Brother None said:
I don't think there's any inside word to be had, but I'd be shocked if it doesn't make a 2009 release.
I hope you made good recovery from that shock.
deadr4tz said:
Brother None said:
I don't think there's any inside word to be had, but I'd be shocked if it doesn't make a 2009 release.
I hope you made good recovery from that shock.

Not only that, but I had to repeat the shock for 2010, 2011 and 2012. I don't know how much more my heart can take.