Eyenixon said:
The only way to fix it would be to add in party members, and that would take far too much effort on their part, so I really doubt anything is going to happen.
Not really. We do have the "party members" system (you'll be able to get some temporary allies every now and then, but you'd never control them directly), so theoretically, it won't take too much to add permanent party members, but it's not that kind of game.
I'll just rest easy that this is going to be another one of those games where I slowly die from various diseases connected to severe fits of boredom as I struggle through tedious combat while waiting for the next NPC to give me some bits of C&C dialog.
a) if you hate combat that much, you can play through the entire game without ever fighting anyone.
b) the combat is hard and challenging, without cheap tricks like 500 HP enemies or insta-kill attacks. In fact, not many people will be able to beat the demo, so maybe, just maybe, you won't die of boredom. If you think that you'll simply click on enemies until they die, you are mistaken and won't get very far.