
I found the Bizon on world.guns.ru... now I know how they got the idea for the Helghast pistol. It's exactly the same... how unoriginal :P
The gas piston being under the barrel wouldn't work very well, it complicates things. That's why the StG 44 and AK-47 both had them on top and even the M16 eventually changed the gas tube to feed from the top. It can be done though so you shouldn't change your whole gun around for it. The entire gun looks more like the StG 44 than an AK-47 which isn't a bad thing.

You need to specify what you mean by a "drum magazine" since there are several things that are roundish and feed ammunition into a gun. The thing the Bizon uses is a helicald rum magazine. The MG 34 used a simple saddle drum that just held the coiled belt of ammunition and then a lot of modern firearms can accept Beta-C magazines that feed like normal ones. - Colt
Well... it was never ment to look like an AK. I just couldn't think of a better name for it. And because of the wood and the curved magazine I made it an AK. But if you have a better name for it... please tell.


That's the one with the drum magazine... so uhm... what kinda drum magazine is this?
The name is fine, I'm just being nitpicky. Ask Ashmo.

If i didn't know it used box magazines I would say a belt drum but it's a Beta-C magazine which means you have yourself a light machinegun that can borrow normal magazines from the riflemen.

You might want to look at this for inspiration (which uses a belt feed):


Obviously the reciever and gas feed on yours is different along with the trigger mechanism. Again, not a bad thing. - Colt
Hmm, I'm not really seeing anything...

Anyhoo, I like the idea of an LMG. Especially caus I'm a Killzone fan and the LMG there has a drum thingy...
As Rusty mentions, the RPK is actually the LMG version of the AK-47 that uses a Beta-C type drum magazine (or box magazines). The RPD is unrelated to the Kalashnikov system. - Colt
Uhm... congratulations for managing to use Anim8or's lame excuse for an interface and create something. I'd rather play Solitaire using DOS commands than trying to work in that program again.

Anyway, that plant is from a tutorial... so, unless you wrote that tutorial, it's not yours.

Yeah well uhm, what kind of texturing exactly?

Well... wood where it's supposed to be wood and metal where it's supposed to be metal?
FeelTheRads said:
Anyway, that plant is from a tutorial... so, unless you wrote that tutorial, it's not yours.

Could you quote the part where I stated that plant completely belongs to me.
He said he made it, not that he invented it. People who make cars will say they make cars even if they didn't invent them.
What he said.

Anyhoo, I slapped on some textures and now I have to get to school, I've got a chemistry exam waiting ti get fucked up...

Colt said:
He said he made it, not that he invented it.

"I made it" seriously implies it's your own original creation. If he would've been completely honest, he'd have said "I made it with the tuturial of"

Just sayin'
Jebus said:
Colt said:
He said he made it, not that he invented it.

"I made it" seriously implies it's your own original creation. If he would've been completely honest, he'd have said "I made it with the tuturial of"

Just sayin'
Geez, I guess it totally slipped my mind. Next time I'll make sure I won't forget something important like that. Here goes: the gun I made is somewhat inspired on several existing guns. I downloaded the textures from some internet site. A Poggel is actually something from a program on Discovery channel... anything else I forgot to mention?
Morpoggel said:
anything else I forgot to mention?

How about your av? And did you make that drawing in your sig yourself? Are you using your own computer to post this?

And so on, and so on.