
Jebus said:
Morpoggel said:
anything else I forgot to mention?

How about your av? And did you make that drawing in your sig yourself? Are you using your own computer to post this?

And so on, and so on.

As I said, a Poggel is something from a program on Discovery, so is the picture. And yes, I drew my sig my self. And no, this is my dad's computer.

[Rusty Chopper said:
]What did you get for your exam? As for me, I hated chemistry at school. Very damn glad it's all over.

I don't know. I'll hear if I passed or not in 2.5 weeks... :(
Yeah well, they have to correct all the exams from all over the country.

The picture is supposed to show a United States Colonial Marine, who is walking through a corridor on sub-level 2 of the atmosphere processor, while an Alien is sneaking up behind (and above) him.
Yeah well, it's what you get when I'm watching a movie which isn't too interesting and there's some paper and a pencil nearby :P
It looks quite a lot like a Galil rifle.. or FNC carbine.. I like it.. though, if you're able to do it, adding some wood texture to the furniture would really help the renders out.
Here's the last two things I've been working on:

It's a futuristic version of the M777 Artillery Gun. Please, don't look at the weird shadows... the program tends to go FUBAR when rendering a model like that with multiple light sources.

And this is a Sniper Rifle collection... (duh)... the one in the back reminds me a bit of an LSW....
pretty sweet, the wheels on the artillery gun need work and the handles on the sniper rifles is kinda..dis-proportioned :?
Yeah, it's a bit too thick, ain't it... well, can't really be bothered to fix it... I'm studying Information Technology now, not Art & Technology... (the first one is all about programming, the second about visual stuff)
The FN P90 uses a rectangle magazine with a circle on the end :o

Thanx. I also made a Golden Version of all 3... basically just the same gun only colored in gold...
Well, since this topic kinda changed to the guns I made with Anim8or... here's a gun based on the Helghast Sniper Rifle...

These are all the pictures I have right now, because moving that sucker to take a picture from a different view is a pain in the ass, due to a sucky graphics card...
Thanks. Well, it had a camo design on the reference picture I used, so... voila...

In-game it's actually just kinda black...
Oh, I thought I already mentioned that... uhm, Killzone ofcourse... what other game has Helghast in them... besides Killzone 2... :P