alec's project - need advice (not Fallout related)


White heterosexual male
Hello everyone,

My name is alec or, as some of you might call me, good ol' wishy-washy alec. If you like books, you might remember me from such amazing potential bestsellers as Person@ges, Zomerzot/Somersault and Wat Chloë overkwam. Then again, you might not know me at all. It's all good.
Anyway, enough chit chat, back to earth and down to business.
I'm having some problems with my latest project, which is kinda sorta a children's book, but it's also for grownups really. The second draft of the text was finished by me last week. The third draft, which I will try to write in the next coming weeks, should be the last.
I'm also illustrating this thing and that's where the problem is situated: I don't know which tool/style to choose. All the characters have been designed (a small girl, her mother and a small alien being the most important), but I can't seem to decide which tools I want to use. So I thought: since I don't have any real friends, why not ask those friendly fuckers over at NMA which style they prefer.
So, yeah: here we go:

[1] This would be the first way I can do it: with pen and Chinese ink on decent Bristol paper. I could colour it with crayons, watercolour or even with the computer, that's not really important. The main thing is the linework. Would kids like this kinda linework. Is it appealing? Plus: I love working with a pen. Minus: the lines don't have the same weight as brush strokes. Pic of the little girl with the little alien:


[2] This is the second way: with a brush and washed ink. I really like working with a brush, yet I don't always like the cartoony looks of linework done with a brush. Pfff... I dunno. I guess kids would like this, maybe they wouldn't like the washed ink, though, but I like that best with brush work. Plus: it looks very artistic/old school which is great. Minus: takes a lot, a whole lot of time to do. This is the young girl's mother and the little alien:


[3] The last way that I like doing and that I'm pretty good at, is this. The linework is done with a greasy black pencil and the colouring is done with Letraset markers (which are awesome really). Plus: it's a really fast way of making drawings. Minus: the pencil smudges, even after I spray it with fixator, and other pencils just won't do. Anyway, a pic of the little alien, fighting supermaggots on Earth:


So now you guys need to tell me which tool (pen/brush/pencil) you think would suit a children's book best. Okay?


Please... :puppy-dog:

My favourite (for the moment) is number 1: pen. Coloured with crayons, 'cause that looks really childlike and a little sweeter than the rest, but it stays cool.
Schuljunge said:
Children´s book, eh?

With hairy penises, eh?
Oh yeah, the hairy penis had to make room for the shaven one already. The publisher hated the idea. He also hated this one scene where I had the little girl play with herself and go all nuts in a sexual way. I had to take that part out, unfortunately... :roll:


Scenes like these will not be included in the final version.
Have you tried combining a greasy black pencil and the brush? It might look good...

Also, alien penises in a kids book? How subversive...
Washed inks look best. [1] might be a bit more childbookesque, but washed ink looks better.

Remove the penis, please.
Shit, you guys react the same way as my publisher: why does the alien penis bother everyone so much? I'm already removing the pubic hair, can we please keep the penis?

You guys think the penis makes the book "+16 years"?


I also have this scene where the alien introduces his "robo-partner", which is stored away in a locker in his spaceship, 'cause the robotic partner is nothing but a sexdoll ("Do you have any idea how lonely it gets in space?")

Look... sheesh... let's just say that it looks like a book for children, but the contents can get pretty mature sometimes. I mean, it is a story about the death of a loved one and the meaning of life, the universe and everything, you know? It's not like a seven-year-old will understand it. It'll be more of a book for teenagers and grownups. It'll be great, trust me.

Plus: I've come a long way with this book, people. In the very first sketches and plotlines of this project, the little alien was a whole different character, he was in fact an escaped lunatic who used to butcher little alien women after tormenting them with anal probes.

Publisher didn't like it. So it had to go. Like so many things. Ah well... :roll:

My gf thinks the washed inks look best as well.
Nr. 1 is the best if you're going for a child's book appearance but the others look nice too.

Oh, and keep the penis. We need more penises in books. Donald Duck should also receive a penis one day.
No. 1 is the best in my book.

Put the hair back on the penis and find a new publisher if that's what it takes. (I'm not sure about the kiddie porn though. You should probably leave that one out)
Schuljunge said:
Children´s book, eh?
With hairy penises, eh?
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Also, alien penises in a kids book? How subversive...
It might be more, if it were truly an alien, and not so much human like, like having a penis between his legs. Why not to put it to his ear(or where humans ears are) ? Cause the alien wouldn't be able to cover it with pants etc... or instead to his nose... :liar: :lol:
Washed in looks best to me.

If I hadn't known it was an alien, I might think it was a potato with an oddly placed sprout.
Washed ink.

And for crying out loud, keep the penis! Even children should learn a thing or two about penises.. especially alienated ones. Those are the ones that causes most probs in their later teens anyway.

girl1 - "oh look at @@@@'s penis. it's all curly like a pigs tail"
girl2 - "oh my god, how gross"
@@@@ - "you know, when I was young I read a book about an alien with a square penis. how's that for strange?"
girl1,girl2 - "ooh @@@@ you're so cool. let's do stuff"
I can't help noticing how much that girl looks like Tandi ;)

The pencil is nice and would look good in a kids book but supose it depends on what kind of tone you want.
I've finally decided and this is going to be it: the linework is done with a brush and Chinese ink, the colouring is done with watercolours. Like it?
