Alien Tech 169, 170


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Other guns you can see in This Topic


A little too FOBOS-ish for me. Supermodels with guns just don't do it for me. And the gun is hiding her boobs LOL.
bah.. girls.. ofcourse she forgot to plug it in
Yes, the plug boggles my mind. Is it used to charge the batteries or something?

Or maybe its symbolic. that would explain the supermodel.
Nice... but I think before it can hurt anyone it needs to be plugged in. Of course, that is just the words of nuka-cola gulching backward tribal.
Teh pixels! Sharp edges scratch my eyes.
Ok, ok, the gun is fine.
Please tell me what ammo it uses.

P.S. When the barrel overheats it must be problematic to hold the rifle...
I made new one, look into first post. Its some kind of modern-weapons presentation by models, you known like in car salons or expo. Just have that idea and decide made it (why not?) Claudia still make model pictures and i new guns, so we mix that ideas together heh.

Its energy weapons so, plug is for battery, they are heavy so designed to hold them in backpack. Ofcourse models dont have full army equipment, she just show that gun (even hold it wrong way)