All ATI products are worthless garbage!

Ratty Sr.

Ratty, except old
Tonight, after hours of fruitless attempts to get my fucking piece of shit Radeon 9800 Pro card working as it should, I have come to the following conclusion - all ATI products are worthless garbage and should be piled up and burned so they no longer pollute this world with their crappiness. Engineers that designed them should be lined up and shot in the back. With a rocket launcher. Repeatedly.

Fuck, I'll just start from the beginning - my torment started six months ago when memory on my Gainward GeForce Ti4600 gave up the ghost (all nVidia cards are worthless garbage and should be piled up and burned... you get the picture), so I replaced it with Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro. My happiness with the brand new video card didn't last very long, because the damned piece of shit was overheating and causing the system to crash all the time. After breaking a couple of keyboards in frustration, I invested money into a giant VGA cooler and patiently installed it. Voilá, my card was working perfectly. However, it was working perfectly only because all the games I played until today were relatively old (2003 and older). This has been partially due to shortage of good PC titles through most of 2004.

Today, however, I got my hands on Need For Speed Underground 2 and figured I might as well give it a try. I fired up the game, configured everything and anxiously awaited my first race... and when the track loaded, quite a sight awaited me. Or rather, a non-sight. Namely, everything was black - every texture, every object, everything except my car's headlights. I fiddles with gamma correction and brightness a bit, but all I accomplished was that pervasive black color turned into a shade of grey. Brilliant.

Already mildly pissed, I quit the game and decided it was time to update my video card drivers. Until then, I had been using the same version of Catalyst that had come with my card, which I had bought last May. I surfed over to ATI website, immediately noticing their piss-poor web design. I found my way to the latest version Catalysts, downloaded them, began the installation, cringed at the incredibly ugly low-res image at the installation screen and waited. The system restarted, I prompty edited the registry to get rid of the memory-eating ATI shit that loads on start-up, opened Firefox for god-knows-what-reason... and noticed something odd. Namely, window no longer loaded instantly, but row by row, as if it dropped down. I can't describe it, you have to see it for yourselves - picture blinds getting pulled down and you will get an idea of what I'm going through. But that's not all - whenever I try to scroll up or down, the whole goddamn window goes through the same process of reloading and getting "pulled down". It takes me five fucking minutes to scroll to the bottom of a page. At first I thought this occurence was just limited to the browser, but no, this wonderful "effect" exteneds to every window - even fucking WinAmp no longer loads normally! I thought ATI drivers reactivated some stupid WinXP visual effect, however they are all turned off as they should be. Un-fucking-believable!

Okay, I calmed myself (well, not really, but at least I managed to restrain my urge to disintegrate everything in sight) and decided to give NFS another try. The fucking game couldn't even start! I got a stupid error message, followed by my desktop resolution changing to 640x480 and all my beautifully arranged icons scattering. AAAAARGH!!! With trembling hand, I reached for the mouse and rapidly located the nearest game shortcut, fearing the worst - and the worst happened. Crash. Error. Resolution change.... I can no longer start games! Any games! Any 3D games! For fuck's sake! I immediately rushed to ATI site, clicked my way to the drivers page and noticed their "recommendation" to install Service Pack 2 before attempting to install their shitty drivers. Now, I have been postponing transition to SP2, because I fear what it might do to my older games, but now it's the only option I have. Either that, or revert to the ancient version of Catalyst that can't run any newer games. Just fucking great! I went to the Windows Update page, where I was fucking rejected! Rejected?! It appears assholes at Microsoft don't let you use Windows Update if you have a browser other than Internet Explorer! On second thought, I'm not even mildly surprised by their impertinence. Luckily, there is a zipped version available, but it's about thousand times larger than the "normal" version and I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft purposefully infected it with trojans to spite Mozilla users. Fuck them. Fuck the capitalist pricks!

So now I'm waiting for the goddamn SP2 to download and pondering the most painful way to execute an ATI software developer. I mean, what kind of mentally retarded jackass dipshit crew does that idiot company employ?! What kind of a fucking incompetent moron do you have to be to have release shitty, unfinished, buggy, background-task-memory-devouring drivers version after version, year after year, without even the slightest notion of improvement over your proverbial mediocrity?! I guess they are aware of their own ineptitude when it comes to developing drivers, since they have this written on their download page: Installing a new driver is only recommended if you are having issues with your ATI product, including those mentioned in the "Fixed in this driver". Translation from corporate English to marxist corporation-hating cynic English is something like this: In the extremely unlikely and nigh impossible event that your current driver build is working without any major fuck-ups, for fuck's sake, don't install a new version - we are, after all, too much of lazy fucktards to be bothered with releasing a version that isn't utter piece of shit, so if you already made the mistake of purchasing one of our below mediocre cards, don't expect it to actually WORK properly. I mean, can you fucking believe it? A video card company that openly discourages its customers from keeping their products up-to-date, effectively admitting their own incompetence! You know, my nVidia card may have met a gruesome end (though it's really not nVidia's fault, but Gainward's, since it was the memory that malfunctioned), but I long more than ever for the near-perfection of their legendary Detonator drivers. Now those were the drivers that work flawlessly as they should, and morons from ATI can only dream of achieving that level of perfection. Tonight I have firmly decided - I will reward their laziness, negligence, irresponsibility and ineptitude with never buying another ATI card again! Bluntly put - I'd rather get a fucking Parhelia right now than invest another cent into a defective ATI product. As far as I'm concerned, they can stove their shitty cards up their asses. From now on, it's nVidia all the way for me.
I got an ATI card for my PC...after hours of unsuccesfully installing it I had to download a driver that wasnt going up on the web for a month! Although it worked it was quite a letdown to have to wait so long.

More power to you Ratty.

The Vault Dweller
ATI Radeon Mobility 9600, overall a very nice VC, but some games still have issues with mobile GPUs.


& without patience?

does that describe you moderatly well, Ratty? you just go bashing whom you like without giving it any rational thought?

great Ratty, we all love yeh. next time get a clue before posting such crap.

"More power to the ignorant fools!"

PS: no, i'm not an ATI fanboy
PPS: flamefest ahoi?
I've never had any problem with ATI cards, nor with catalyst drivers. YOu just suck.

'Cept that ATI drivers work like crap under Linux. Woohoo for software rendering.

PS; ATi Mobility Radeon 9600. I've had as of yet one game that didn't handle well, and it was the fault of the incompetent EA programmers.
SuaSide said:
I have a fucking ATI card, and I fucking hate it. I used to have an nVidia card, and I fucking loved it. How does that make me "misinformed"?

Right... Idiot.

& without patience?
Forgive me for expecting the card I paid good money for to work properly. Spending two days downloading dozens of updates for every fucking component in the system, only to end up facing even worse problems, is perfectly normal, and I'm "misinformed, stupid & without patience" (sic) for being disgruntled about that, right? I wonder what drugs you took before managing to come up with such brainturd.

does that describe you moderatly well, Ratty?
No, but it describes you reasonably well, particularly the "stupid" bit.

you just go bashing whom you like without giving it any rational thought?
First of all, I don't go bashing whom I like - I go bashing whom I don't like. Secondly, if you weren't such a trolling dipshit, you would have noticed that ATI has done plenty to earn my ire, both on hardware and software side.

next time get a clue before posting such crap.
Heh... irony.

"More power to the ignorant fools!"
"More power to clueless flame-baiting trolls!"

PS: no, i'm not an ATI fanboy
I agree, you're just the regular kind of moron.

PPS: flamefest ahoi?
You just started one, shitface.
Meh, it is one problem that videocard makers always have had, and that is decent cooling for their cards. Ive had problems with both ATI and Nvidia in this department. Right now I have a Excalibur 9800Pro IceQ and haven't had a problem with it yet. Doom 3 is amazing on it.

9800 Pro = sex

ok not quite but close to it. 8)
mkay Ratty, let us analyse who is posting flamebait:

Ratty said:
cringed at the incredibly ugly low-res image at the installation screen

we'll all take a second and think about why the installationscreen is a 640x480 image...

hmz, i'm sure even you can figure that one out Ratty, just give it a try.

Ratty said:
I immediately rushed to ATI site, clicked my way to the drivers page and noticed their "recommendation" to install Service Pack 2 before attempting to install their shitty drivers.

it's only like right smack in the middle of the download page, my friend... did you just admit to installing drivers without knowing how it's done? checking the instructions and requirements first can come in handy. said:
1. Before you start, please read the ATI Driver and Software Installation Instructions.
2. Installing a new driver is only recommended if you are having issues with your ATI product, including those mentioned in the "Fixed in this driver".
For more details, please review the RELEASE NOTES.

1. ATI recommends Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher to be installed.
2. *snip*
3. *snip*

how clear do you want them to be? make a lil' drawing in crayon?

all this makes me wonder if you removed the old drivers before installing the old ones over them...

Ratty said:
I went to the Windows Update page, where I was fucking rejected! Rejected?! It appears assholes at Microsoft don't let you use Windows Update if you have a browser other than Internet Explorer! On second thought, I'm not even mildly surprised by their impertinence. Luckily, there is a zipped version available, but it's about thousand times larger than the "normal" version and I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft purposefully infected it with trojans to spite Mozilla users. Fuck them. Fuck the capitalist pricks!

oh yes, thats the way Ratty. just let all that hate flow. rational thoughts are your enemy. wild unfounded accusations will lead you to glory!

Ratty said:
I mean, what kind of mentally retarded jackass dipshit crew does that idiot company employ?! What kind of a fucking incompetent moron do you have to be to have release shitty, unfinished, buggy, background-task-memory-devouring drivers version after version, year after year, without even the slightest notion of improvement over your proverbial mediocrity?! I guess they are aware of their own ineptitude when it comes to developing drivers, since they have this written on their download page: Installing a new driver is only recommended if you are having issues with your ATI product, including those mentioned in the "Fixed in this driver". Translation from corporate English to marxist corporation-hating cynic English is something like this: In the extremely unlikely and nigh impossible event that your current driver build is working without any major fuck-ups, for fuck's sake, don't install a new version - we are, after all, too much of lazy fucktards to be bothered with releasing a version that isn't utter piece of shit, so if you already made the mistake of purchasing one of our below mediocre cards, don't expect it to actually WORK properly. I mean, can you fucking believe it? A video card company that openly discourages its customers from keeping their products up-to-date, effectively admitting their own incompetence!

oh just great Ratty, that sure will save you a trip to the shrink, just let it flow brotah...

these drivers are so "bad" that i virtually never get any complaints anymore about them. (unlike a couple years back when you had to know what you were doing to tweak them)

also check this:

oh no! they have a whole list of unfixed issues, driver limitations & disclaimers as well! who would've thought that? ow man! nvidia sucks ass! they cant even make good drivers! all nvidia products are worthless garbage and should be piled up and burned so they no longer pollute this world with their crappiness. Engineers that designed them should be lined up and shot in the back. With a rocket launcher. Repeatedly. [/sarcasm]

btw Ratty, didn't you wait to update until you experienced problems yourself? oh, did you actually do what ATI suggested in the quote you just bashed? oh no! you must be really stupid, my dear Ratty...

Ratty said:
You know, my nVidia card may have met a gruesome end (though it's really not nVidia's fault, but Gainward's, since it was the memory that malfunctioned), but I long more than ever for the near-perfection of their legendary Detonator drivers.

so, your memory fails after a couple of years & thats gainwards fault? since you are bitching i assume it happened outside warranty period?

well, once outside warranty period means that gainward can't give you any guaranties about the continued functionality of their product. it is a risk you agreed to take, when you bought the card. besides gainward doesnt have such a bad RMA track record when compared to the rest of the industry. no reason to blame them...

Ratty said:
Now those were the drivers that work flawlessly as they should, and morons from ATI can only dream of achieving that level of perfection. Tonight I have firmly decided - I will reward their laziness, negligence, irresponsibility and ineptitude with never buying another ATI card again! Bluntly put - I'd rather get a fucking Parhelia right now than invest another cent into a defective ATI product. As far as I'm concerned, they can stove their shitty cards up their asses. From now on, it's nVidia all the way for me.

well, making such a big step due to a problem probably created all by yourself... bravo Ratty, bravo.

In other news, don't buy 3rd party - buy ATI itself. Or is it a driver issue alone and has nothing to do with hardware compatibility with the card?
in Europe finding a BBA card is like looking for a needle in a haystack...

i really dont understand why you think they are the holy grail btw. some other 3rd party manufacturers make cards of exact the same quality you know.

besides, most BBA cards dont overclock well ;)

(yes, there have been problems with asus 9600XT cards and such. but those remain exceptions rather than the rule)
Tone it down guys, they're just video cards. If this is something personal, take it elsewhere.
SuAside said:
i really dont understand why you think they are the holy grail btw. some other 3rd party manufacturers make cards of exact the same quality you know.

The "you" there, is that to anyone in general or my post above yours? I just want to make sure before replying.
SuAside said:
After installing SP2, reinstalling DirectX and trying out four different versions of drivers, the problem still persists. ATI now officially sucks, and if you don't like it, go to hell.
Ratty said:
After installing SP2, reinstalling DirectX and trying out four different versions of drivers, the problem still persists. ATI now officially sucks, and if you don't like it, go to hell.

I have been to hell already.

It was called NVidia.

The damn problem is fixed! I have Direct3D functionality again! And believe it or not, it was all thanks to SuAside!

SuAside said:
some other 3rd party manufacturers
Though this was completely unrelated to my problem, it gave me an idea - I decided to try installing the 3rd party Omega drivers. I downloaded them, installed them - and they fixed the issue! What's tragic is that I still have no fucking clue what was wrong in the first place. Well, from now on I'll be using Omega drivers exclusively. I don't know what my next video card will be, but one thing is for sure - it won't be ATI.
Omega are not bad. I have Catalyst 4.11 (4.12 beta are better for Half-Life2) with the classic control panel, Omega just has some tweaks and registry hacks, and i don`t have a problem, I`m afraid you`re a bit of a noob regarding these things Ratty :)

The new control panel is a complete horror, the worst piece of crap i ever saw. The Nvidia guys will have one like that soon, also based in .Net , hope nVidia users will be allowed to use the old ones too .

I want a new system, still haven`t decided for a nVidia 6600gt or an ATI X700, any thoughts? My budget is rather low this year.