Stop dreaming. No really: STOP DREAMING.
The next 10 years will wake you up.
There is no alternative.
Western civilization needs fossil fuels to do everything.
You need fossil fuels to manufacture solar panels, harvest the crops that produce bio diesel, make the batteries for hydrogyn fueled cars, transport wind mills to sea shores or deserts.
Peak oil is near if it hasn't already happened.
Fuel prices will only go up from now on until only the rich can afford to drive a car -- and then the super rich -- and then the ultimate elite.
Whilst they will still be driving their cars to god knows where, people will be starving.
You can't keep 6,5 billion people alive without fossil fuels.
Billions will die and no one will be able to do anything about it.
There is a 99% chance that you will die.
The unlucky bastards that will survive this Götterdammerüng will find themselves in the new middle ages.
Small communities, that's all.
Think about it. No fossil fuels means no food, no clean water, no medicine, no mail, no new clothes, no job, no money.
The vehicle of the future is the bicycle.
Not the I-don't-know-who-invented-this-hoax-hybrid-engine-car.
Buy a McGyver knife whilst thou still have the chance.
Learn your survival skills, 'cause you'll need them.
And don't believe them stupid political bastards out there.
You're fucked whether you like it or not.
The world of Fallout is closer than you might think.