alec said:
Virgil was not on the blimp.
Fair enough, I didn't remember that part well enough to be honest.
And the home port obviously does not appear on the worldmap because it would fuck up the story and probably the game: you'd be tempted to go there asap (and you actually can get there pretty fast if you know how). That would completely fuck up your main quest.
How is that Arcanum's biggest flaw? It's a game design choice, and a logical one at that.
Pay attention when reading, I said that it was the biggest flaw in the opening steps of the game, not the entire game.
I'll just re-post my 3-year old point from the other time I said it:
# Another part about this game that irked me...all this time spent on creating a believable and atmospheric world, and yet they miss a detail so big you could fly an airship through it. The game starts with your character aboard an airship, the first of its kind, on its maiden voyage. It crashes, you meet Virgil and head out into the world, etc...
Except...the city from which the airship set out from, Caladon, is strangely absent from your world map. Not only does Virgil come from Caladon, and could therefore easily put it on your map, but
so did you, because the airship set off from there! Also, when you finally get to Caladon, it's like you've never been there before! If you were never in Caladon, how the fuck did you get aboard the airship?
From a game progression point of view, this is logical. But that's it. Any other point of view shows this decision to be utterly stupid. The only way it makes sense, is if the airship was not supposed to be from this land at all. You could get away with Tarant not being on the world map if your main character came from a remote rural area, or had never been there in his/her life. But not this.
One further note: I said back then that I would never play Arcanum again. I may change my mind about that. So many fan-made improvements and additions have been made to the game that it might warrant another playthrough. Besides, even a glitched Arcanum is better than most of the tripe we're being served as RPG's these days.