American Chinese food: Not really Chinese

I guess that was pretty good in spite of the nervous presentation, and minority empowerment whine.
I just had some savory chicken for lunch yesterday,as a matter of fact -- totally awesome.
Some American Chinese restaurants, run by real Chinese families, used to have "secret" menus for Chinese customers consisting of native Chinese cuisine. They didn't offer it to white customers because they didn't think they would like it. That has been changing a little in recent years as some American tastes have been expanding.
Pretty funny, but that kind of thing goes both ways. I've been to some pretty laughable western (Italian, Mexican, American) restaurants in Tokyo that were either heavily localized (natto spaghetti) or just plain misguided (Mexican Dog - a hot dog wrapped in a tortilla). The decor too is a pretty odd mish-mash. Strangely enough I would say to myself "so this is how Chinese people feel when they go to American Chinese restaurants."

That being said, Japanese Chinese food is the best - gyoza, ramen, etc. Of course Japanese yakiniku is king.

Don't think I've ever had chop suey in my life.
Pretty sure Nandos tones down it's Peri Peri sauce for us limey southerners, the medium strength we used in a home made meal was a lot hotter than the stuff in the restaurant.

Would be interesting to see what the Japanese do with German food. Or Scandinavian... lutefisk ramen?
A lot of caucasian acquaintances of mine I have given traditional chinese food and got a luke warm reception. Dim Sum is pretty asian but white folks really arn't into stuff like chicken feet, or rice soup, cow stomach/intestines?

Thing is if were talking mainland china, traditional chinese food was pretty much damned near nothing thanks to the insane way Mao ran things. I really don't know how much he had to do with the chinese nuclear program but it seems so far a whole lotta chinese had to die to make those sacrifices. For example: average chinese folks starving to death while food shipments were being sent to N. Korea or the vietnamese during their respective wars. It seems otherwise everything went to the soviets to compensate the soviets once Mao decided Stalinism wasn't good for China.
DarkCorp said:
A lot of caucasian acquaintances of mine I have given traditional chinese food and got a luke warm reception. Dim Sum is pretty asian but white folks really arn't into stuff like chicken feet, or rice soup, cow stomach/intestines?



people don't get any whiter than the scots.


btw, chicken feet and intestines are poor people food, not chinese food.
I'm sure you can find all kinds of american blacks that will eat up your floor sweepings.
That's true for most foreign restaurants.

I think us Indians are the only ones that didn't change our food too much to accommodate firang taste.
Might want to do some reasearch into that Sab, the influence of the British Empire changed a lot of the food in India to cater for Westerners tastes.
Most modern day curries for one.
Damn British had to change everything. One of the most evil things in history IMO was the occupation of India by the British
I consider it my duty as an American to have no respect for other culture's cooking traditions. That's why I mix soba with vietnamese rice noodles and roll teriyaki burritos. I've also made spring rolls with rice wrappers and filled them with refried beans. I'm...ah...still working on that recipe. It's promising though, I swear!