Just noticed the double post. NMA hates me, or something.
I noticed a lot of people agreeing that American schools suck and that their experiences sucked.
My experiences sucked, too. I was threatened (seriously) by teachers, spent a lot of time in the office, and was generally disliked by the school population. I hated school, and I know I didn't learn a damn thing from grade 6 to grade 12.
That's why I'm a teacher now, and why most people are becoming teachers now. We want to make the system better. We're tired of the shitters that are controlling the schools that made our lives miserable. New teachers have a goal: Make school better for our children than it was for us.
Keep that in mind. When your children reach college, they will be able to look back and say "eh..That wasn't so bad."
And the children that become teachers from that generation will make it even better.
There's really no hope for high school, though. High school sucks, and will always suck.
EDIT: Let me also mention, that where I'm from, they had to lay off hundreds of teachers last year. Every school I've been to lately has had to either get lower wattage bulbs for their lighting, or just turn the lights off alltogether. Teachers wages dropped a bit, too, and the only way to get copies (in quite a few districts) is for the teacher to go to Kinko's and spend their money for their own materials.
Even the schools I attended (middle-class suburbia) have the same situation. The halls are completely black except the light coming from the doors (which are all locked all day because of security). It's just fucking rediculous.
Bush's "No Child Left Behind" has fuckered the school system because of it's horrible implementation.