American schools?

At my school we only have about a dozen students with Australian born parents, but the school doesn't bother with culture classes or anything of that kind. A large proportion of the students are either Russian Jews, Ukrainian or foreign Asians, who get educated here because it is cheaper than Europe or the US.

Australia has the ability to smother other cultures and assimilate a family completely within three generations. Coupled with the super sledge of American popular culture, the children are subsumed into one uniculture although they still keep elements of their roots.

The good thing about this unity is that people are tolerant, understanding and live harmoniously. The negative thing is that most of the depth of the culture's we integrated into our society is lost. Normal Australians are anti-intellectual and 'she'll be right' and the 'fair go' can cause terrible problems. This element of apathy that pervades society has led to the bureaucrats taking over everything and gaining immense power that only succeeds in propagating mediocrity. (my school is not sooo bad because it's so 'ethnic'.)

We have huge ratios of, administrator to teacher for example, but it still takes six months for them to answer a simple letter. I sometimes wonder if we are third world (PC police can get stuffed) but I have a niggling feeling that this alarming trend is happening elsewhere as well.

Although the students in Australia and America might not value education as much as the Chinese does it really matter?

As long as the standard in university is high and the intellectuals and professional people maintain quality, does it really matter if the majority doesn't know who Albert Speer's wife is or where Afghanistan is (comedians get American's to point at the map of Australia and say "Isn't that Iraq".) or what a photon is. We have strong enough economies to keep people comfortable (as well as manageable) without intensive education and the elite can keep the wheels turning, even if it is not at optimal efficiency.

Personally, I believe that one should try to understand as much as possible and that education levels should rise. However I have had one of the most happy childhoods in my relative ignorance. When I look at how hard people work in, for example Japan, I hesitate to force such a high pressure system on my fellow students who do not need to and are currently incapable of such behavior. Because of our low population and huge opportunities for employment (our unemployment is only around 5%) it is unnecessary .

So what do you think, begin the difficult task of raising educational standards or leave people in their blissful ignorance?
It may be true that the American public education generally sucks in terms of educating EVERYBODY.

But it works miracles when the individuals themselves are willing and capable of working to reach their goals.

My high school sucked when it came to a lot of things, but it also was excellent in other aspects.

For instance, a lot of courses wered dumbed down in order to make it possible for everybody to pass easily, but I was also able to take the opportunity to go to a private college for free because of my high grades and good record through a state education program called Youth Options.

The program (replacing the previous Postsecondary Enrollment Options program begun in 1992-93) opens the door to greater learning opportunities for motivated students considering a technical career, wishing to begin college early, or prepaing themselves to enter the workforce immediately after high school graduation.

Does the system work for everybody? No. Is it good for those who actually want to earn what education they should be getting? Yes.
Kharn said:
Also take into account everyone has the right to education in America, so people can come over and enter the school systems.

As opposed to?

America is very diverse so you have to cover all the bases like language and customs and all the other bs.

As opposed to?


Pooper- try not to use Caps.

But to answer your questions- yes it really does matter.

College level work is not a cure all and the students that were better educated stand out over those that weren't well educated, and those who weren't suffer at a disadvantage.

If there is still opportunity in the US it's that a person with a trade can make it into the middle class and if he's a shrewd investor, can do even better. But most don't. Class status becomes stagnant. A poor kid can still get a good education and do well in college and get into an even better advanced degree. I have seen poor kids go off to Harvard Law and Business or the top medical schools because they worked really hard. But that's really difficult.

Much depends on aptitude- the ability of the student to do well. But if the bright kid with potential comes to college without a good education to begin with, he will probably be crushed by average kids who had a great education.

Education is value-added. The more you get the better. The better the education and the more you get of it, the better for you. If information is power, than better to be well informed.

In that sense what I have seen, from here, is that generally the high school kids from Europe are better thinkers and more informed than the Americans. Smarter high school students (age 14-18) make for better university students.

I am also in agreement with both Perfectdark and Ancient Oldie. Yes a poor white kid is perhaps even more disadvantaged that an a poor black. While a poor white kid may have more opportunity to "fit in" to other subcultures over time, a black kid will probably have more of a struggle with that. Yes, these schools are administratively crazy. Part of it has to do with regulations. Re-evaluation and reform is needed, and not just the incremental policies that have been tried. Education is also about politics- what gets taught, who gets passed, what's the curriculum, are political decisions.

But if the country overall has an under-educated, mediocre population because it fails to education seriously, than the country, as a whole, is less competitive than others. What has made America successful is productivity and innovation. Both are derived from education.
In that sense what I have seen, from here, is that generally the high school kids from Europe are better thinkers and more informed than the Americans. Smarter high school students (age 14-1 make for better university students.
Nah, you're wrong. For as far as I know, the European high-school students here are easily above-average in general knowledge and thinking. The European high-school students here aren't exactly average, for as far as I can tell.
Sander said:
The European high-school students here aren't exactly average, for as far as I can tell.
For a start the only Euros here are the English speakers, that means that they are:
A) Multi-Lingual
B) From the UK (or Ireland)

There are only 2 people from B that regularly post here, and one of them is an arse.
(The other is me, I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions as to whether or not I'm an arse too)

From what I have seen (Here) though, mainland Euros seem to be better educated than my lot.


I was asking you how those specific problems in American schooling differ from those in the rest of the Western World. Or do you think the right to education exists only in the US?
From what I have seen (Here) though, mainland Euros seem to be better educated than my lot.
For as far as I know, this is, again, not true. In fact, IIRC, the UK eduational system has been rumored to be of the highest quality in the entire world. Frankly, if you were to look at the English of the people in my class, you'd be appalled at what they did to your nice little language. Really, it's bloody horrible. And then keep in mind that these are the people who are in the highest level high-school education part. ;)
Generally, basing findings off of people on the Internet concerning their nationalities is not a good thin.
Sander said:
For as far as I know, this is, again, not true. In fact, IIRC, the UK eduational system has been rumored to be of the highest quality in the entire world.

"rumored"? What is your major malfunction, boy?

So your theory would be that Maggie Thatcher didn't run amock like a wild bull straight through the UK educational system? Tchyeah
Sander said:
For as far as I know, this is, again, not true. In fact, IIRC, the UK eduational system has been rumored to be of the highest quality in the entire world.
Then I fear for the quality of education elsewhere. Not that I think our education system is bad, just not amazingly good.
Frankly, if you were to look at the English of the people in my class, you'd be appalled at what they did to your nice little language. Really, it's bloody horrible. And then keep in mind that these are the people who are in the highest level high-school education part.
At least they speak another language, very few Britons do.
As far as mutilation of languages goes, nobody can go further than what Scousers, Geordies and Cockneys have done to English. And they are all English anyway, that is their mother tongue.
It's not bad when it's spoken, since the spoken language will inevitably evolve depending on area and local customs.

It's when shit like this is written...

i dydn g3t 2 go0o0o0 2 da britneh knz3rt so0o0o0o00oo dat sux0rz so0o0o0o0 loz!!!1! i men, wtf??? my bf andrew wudnt evn bai tik3tz 4 meh so i wuz lyk "wtfz andrew??!?!?!11? i thot u luv3d meh!!!1!" n he go3z "i d0do lUv3rzZzzZZZZZzz u elli3!!11!!!" n i wuz lyk "i no im so00o0o0o0o luvbl3!!" n hiii go3z "yaaa babiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!! <32323233333333222222233333333222" n i wuz lyk "wel i duzn mata cuz lyk 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 gaiz <3323 meh MOR DAN U!!!!!!!!1!! n dey wud bai meh tik3tz 2 dah britneh konzert

OMGZ SERA CONERZZZZZZZZZ ON!!!!!!!! SHII ROX. onlii shiiz uglii!!!!! bonz babii out da doa git ^ n m000v dun mek meh akt da f00!!11 juz get ya stufz boi cuz im tyrd of hiirin all ur laiz!!!1 babii boi i no ul nevaa fid no0o0o0 stufz as gud as myn!!!!!!!!!!11! u mad ur bed n nau u haf2 sliip w/ meh babiii!!!!!!11!! i saw u der w/ myn on iiz!!!11!! JUZ BONZ!!!!!!!1!! omgz diz s0n r0x0rz azzzzZZZZZzz!!1!1! omgz loli3z im so0o00o herdc0rrr.

...that we have a problem on hand. Anyways, SA touches upon the topic, and the article (and a rough translation of what was written above) was funny.

This Generation Sucks
Big_T_UK said:
There are only 2 people from B that regularly post here, and one of them is an arse.
(The other is me, I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions as to whether or not I'm an arse too)

Kharn said:


I was asking you how those specific problems in American schooling differ from those in the rest of the Western World. Or do you think the right to education exists only in the US?

I dont know someone must of drop the stupid gene in america, especially in california lew.
All I hear about is how America's school system is shit, but I don't see it. I'm not disagreeing w/ anyone, and perhaps it still is sub-standard. I live in Utah, and our avg. spent per student is horrible, I think it's like 48th out of the 50 states. Everyone I know however, is fairly smart, but what distinguishes most UT kids is that they try very hard. My theory is that perhaps the convictional nature you gain from practicing a religion weighs some on your schoolin'. By comparison, America has a pretty loose grip on the importance of religion as opposed to other places. Utah is a very religious place. Also, I think learning language has a similar affect. Amerians don't place much importance on learning new languages, other places do.

Learning a new language and practicing religion helps to bestow good learning habits. My thoughts...
I dont know someone must of drop the stupid gene in america, especially in california lew.
Oh, yes, great English there.
I still don't understand why so many people insist on writing "have" as "of". IT MAKES NO SENSE!

On Brits: I said rumored for a reason. I don't factually know anything about the British educational system.

My theory is that perhaps the convictional nature you gain from practicing a religion weighs some on your schoolin'. Really, :P The best students in school are really not religious. And, interestingly, they're not the smartest either. Really, I've heard a lot of students who get really high grades and pay a lot of attention in classes make some of the stupidest remarks ever. Hehe.

On language: People who don't have English as their mother tongue generally learn English. Most people are, actually, bilingual in that sense. Although the quality of their bilingualism differs a lot.
one of the smartest in our year is religous. But then again he just goes to church or studies all the time.

can intelligence be taught or do people always have a certain intelligence at birth?
It depends, no one is really born stupid (excluding retards and such), I think it's more to do with lazyness and people’s attention span. You gain the rank of being smart by taking the time to learn.

If you look at your school all the dumb people are probably the people who sit and mess on all day and the smart ones are people who actually listen.

However some people don’t listen and end up being smart anyway, maybe that has something to do with attention span I don’t know.
money, laziness, poor leadership, and a downfall on basic morals, are some big contributors to the fall of education is the US.

i have a disability, it is very hard for me to write so that others can read what i've written. while attending public school, i was receiving bad grades because of my poor writing. my parents and i repeatedly asked for alternative methods of doing my work, so the school tested me for learning disabilitys. the test results stated that i had an above average IQ and that i was most likely faking.the tests they gave were not written tests but bubble sheets, filling in A B C...ect. witch i happen to have no problems filling out. this sharade had been going on since i was in 1st grade, and still i couldn't get the help i needed to get good grades. the schools jacked me around, ignored me, acused me of faking, and completely failed to obey the laws that are set up to protect disabled students.
the schools jacked me around, ignored me,

Yeah schools do that, same thing happened with me only I didn’t have a disability I was just a jackass.

I'm doing pretty well for myself since I basically lost 3 years of school.