Im just curious to see what the members of this forum think about American soldiers. Do you think they are naive, vulgar, brave, stupid....whatever.
TorontRayne said:Soldiers represent their fucking country and that means that they are their country. So let me rearrange the fucking question. What do you think of America and Americans in general?
Murdoch said:Soldiers represent they're country in the sense that they are the ones we see on television, acting out the will and interests of their country. When a soldier commits atrocities in Abu Ghraib or rapes a Okinawan schoolgirl, or cuts a gondola wire while showboating, that reflects on the country whether the politicians and monarchs want it to or not; there's nothing 16th century about it, its called reality.
Kharn said:Except that it isn't.
A country is responsible for the actions of its soldiers.
A soldier does not represent his country. What he states, unlike what the president or the premier states, is not what the country states. And that is what representation entails. Not just responsibility from the state towards what you've done, but all responsibility from the state to match what you said should happen. Representation.
Simple responsibility for atrocities does not equal representation.
Like I said, tres 16th century.
Murdoch said:Sure Kharn, whatever. You stay up in your ivory tower, while the rest of us (especially those of us who's country's have a military to speak of) will stay down here in the real world.
In a philosophical sense, you are right. But because none of us, save you perhaps, live in the Land of Philosophy, your take is marginalized, being irrelevent to the real world.
Murdoch said:Besides, if your take was the way it is then soldiers and their actions would not be held accountable, because they are not representing their country. This is not the case, which further illustrates the point that soldiers are indeed representing their country.