"Amy Winehouse is the elegant 22-year-old pot-smoking Camden jazzsinger with the sharp tongue ... Her other big love is marijuana - and lots of it. 'I have smoked an ounce a week at times', she admits. 'When I smoke, I am just the happy me. I sing or whistle for three hours or go up and play guitar for four hours. I like a drink. I love all different kinds of alcohol and, everywhere I go, I'll find a drink I like. But I am more of a smoker. All my inhibitions go, so it's great to write when I'm stoned'", The Mirror (UK), Nov. 5, '04
• "until recently, Amy smoked two ounces of marijuana a week", Daily Star (UK), Oct. 19, '06
Meh, that doesn't make people vapid, her stupid world-view made her vapid.