'An Exciting List Of PC Games For 2012'


THI4F? what? at least in SCRE4M the 4 replaced the A and they look alike, but E=4?
Kinda looks like a backwards lowercase e I suppose.

Max Payne, Hitman, Diablo, Tomb Raider

Right when I decide to cut back on my gaming too. Thanks for the list Ak
[Dead State is] a full-blown survival RPG, being developed by some veterans from Troika (Bloodlines) in their own indie outfit

The fuck? Why haven't I heard of this??
maximaz said:
[Dead State is] a full-blown survival RPG, being developed by some veterans from Troika (Bloodlines) in their own indie outfit

The fuck? Why haven't I heard of this??
Uses The Age of Decadence's game engine, but that's all I know...

I did not know people from Troika were involved, but I doubt they were 'veterans'. Brian Mitsoda only worked on V:tM-B and on no other Troika game.

Dragon Commander may or may not be playable; Borderlands 2 and Max Payne might me worth a try; that's about it.
I'll skip Diablo 3 due to DLC, but otherwise...Risen 2, Dead State, Max Payne 3, Xenonauts and GTAV should be good. Dragon Commander, Dishonored, even KoA: Reckoning might be.

SuAside said:
I did not know people from Troika were involved, but I doubt they were 'veterans'. Brian Mitsoda only worked on V:tM-B and on no other Troika game.

Yeah, but he wrote the story for Bloodlines, so it's kind of a big deal. Original script for Alpha Protocol too, though they mostly scrapped that. Met him in Seattle back when he started Dead State. Cool guy.

Walpknut said:

Farmerk said:
Right when I decide to cut back on my gaming too. Thanks for the list Ak

Sure man. I love complicating other people's lives.

As for me, there are actually quite a bit of games here that I'm interested in...more than usually, comparing to 2011 titles and those in earlier years.

ME3 and Alan Wake are the only games that I'm actually planning to buy (once the price drops, that is).

Dead State and Hawken seem interesting. Hopefully, Hawken won't be a console exclusive.
Grim Dawn, Salem and Botanicula are looking like potential sweet little games, but I'm not getting my hopes up...for the first two.

Also, is it just me, or are we seriously lacking on RTS titles?
Generals 2 aaaaaand... yea not much else.

Loves me some Shadowrun but man that game looks generic.
I plan to get these games in 2012, assuming they will be good:

Hitman V - release day
Prey 2 - release day
Risen 2 - release day
Dishonored - release day
Alan Wake - release day
Mass Effect 3 - release day
Metro Last Light - steam sale
FarCry 3 - steam sale
Aliens: Colonial Marines - steam sale
Dead State - steam sale
Tomb Raider - steam sale
Max Payne 3 - steam sale
GTA V - steam sale
Bioshock Infinite - steam sale

And that is all. I will not get any other game. I recently counted all games I own, and it is almost 5 hundred...of which I played maybe half, if that. So I need to stop enlarging my god damn backlog.
These games are too appealing not to get them though. Especially Dishonored, I expect that to be my GOTY2012.
From that list I'm looking forward to Dead State, Age of Decadence, Xenonauts, Cartel, Metro: Last Light and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 (assuming it gets anywhere).

And maybe that new Shadowrun game, but I have to see more about it first.
Damn, I need to start saving money:

Prey 2
The Darkness 2
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4
Borderlands 2
FarCry 3
Bioshock Infinite
I was looking forward to this: http://www.thesecretworld.com/

But the information that I just found out has just dampened all my enthusiasm. The 20s settings got moved to the modern era because you wanted to include modern pop references like Buffy, Da Vanci's code and other stuff? The hell? That's the only reason? The graphics feel more stuffy than before, but that's not a huge issue. As a game about mythology, I wish you would get mythology or certain things right. The Asian faction is based in Seoul, South Korea?? Are you for real? While your buildings and setting looks Japanese but the locations looks like Chinese, where is the Korean theme fitting in here? Even their interviews about Asian secret societies sounds badly informed, only criminal and political organizations exist? Sigh...


This looks interesting, and I might get into this:


I am not that big on shooters, but Firefall also doesn't look half bad:


I have already said numerous times that survival horror games these days aren't really survival horrors. However, Amy, looks interesting. It feels like Haunting Ground with a girl instead of a dog, with the combat that's more clumsy.



Some random comments from a look at other games:

Overgrowth, human sized rabbit beating the crap out of each other in realistic combat? Why does that remind me of RedWall?

Tomb Raider rebooted? Is it just me or does she looks like J. Lo?