Analyst prophesies financial success for Fallout 3


Vault Consort
Staff member
In this Gamasutra news item, Mike Hickey (the investment analyst we all know and fear) names Fallout 3 as one of the coming year's top selling titles. Presumably he has some kind of reason for doing this.

I'm posting this primarily to mock their "top ten picks" list which has nineteen items in it. Mock! Mock!

Thanks Wasteland Stories.
If there was any doubt about that one.

Will it be a true RPG like its predecessors? Hardly, but who cares except for a small group of fans.
The Dutch Ghost said:
If there was any doubt about that one.

Will it be a true RPG like its predecessors? Hardly, but who cares except for a small group of fans.
Common! Stop with the rectal... rectoral... rhetorical questions! True RPG? WTF's that? As long as its not a true Fallout it doesn't matter.

On other news, I'm an analyst too! For real, wanna see?

I predict shit will sell better than quality niche stuff in the next 20 years.

Just you wait and see :)
i never doubted that FO3 will a full and complete financial success. humanity will probably loose however. ;)
I'm sure all you people could do Mike Hickey's job for him - ooh, Sua, you got a new title.
Who ever predicts fallout 3 wont sell is... well... is a muppet...

Fallout 3 will sell and will be a financial success.

Just look at the type of cover its getting from the major game mags.

Im a Fallout fan, the original was the first RPG I EVER bought, I must've been 10-11. I've played through FO1, FO2 and FOT numerous times.

I enjoyed FOT online play because of the RPG servers players made. I even created a fair few RP maps for that style of play... Good times...

As for Bethsada, you know what... Im going to wait and see... Im not too fond of whats been released so far but alas I am an optimist. I will buy FO3 and I will no doubt purchase a new system for the purpose of running it.
Wasteland Stories said:
As long as its not a true Fallout
Hmm... For me, true RPG better than true Fallout RTS (for example).
You don't get it. If it's not true RPG, there's no way it's true fallout. Fallout is inherently RPG.
Theres no doubt that this game will sell well ( well maybe it could go the way of POS but who knows)

However I can take great pride in saying Bethesda will not be receiving any of my hard earned money
Wasteland Stories said:
As long as its not a true Fallout
Hmm... For me, true RPG better than true Fallout FPS (for example).

Fixed. ;)

RTS = real time strategy, like Age of Empires/Dawn of War/Battle for Middle Earth

FPS = first person shooter, like Halo/Doom/Crysis... and FO3 :|
that guy should be burned for not knowing how to count. also, the list is horrible. excluding fo3, i see one game that i am even a little interested in, and it's a sequel to a franchise that is getting stale.

also, i am sad because there is no mention of brutal legend. it's not being published by ea though, so i guess it's not going to sell as well as the next madden game.
I guess I am one of the few dissenters here.

F3 is gonna be an ok sell at best at worst it tanks.

If it doesn't look good enough, multiplayer isn't good enough, or its deus x/dialogue system is too complex then the hardcore shooter crowd will move on to better games.

Now if the rpg mechanics, storytelling, dialogue options and acting sucks, the game is gonna tank with the rpg audience.

So beth better get their priorities straight on who they want to cater to otherwise it doesn't look good.
junkevil said:
also, i am sad because there is no mention of brutal legend. it's not being published by ea though, so i guess it's not going to sell as well as the next madden game.
I'm pretty sure Brutal Legend will sell as well as a DVD of 2 girls 1 cup. Despite his awesomeness, Tim Schafer was never good at making an easily marketable product.
Wasteland Stories said:
If it's not true RPG, there's no way it's true fallout.
You mean Fallout as game, I mean Fallout as setting, sorry :cry:
Do you think Fallout would be what it is today if it was, say, a movie or a book? Or even an action game? Do you?
That list seems a bit iffy. No Mario Galaxy? No Smash Bros? He mentions that Wii sales will be strong, but somehow forgets its flagship titles. If Starcraft 2 or the next WoW expansion hit this year, they'll be fucking huge. Gran Turismo 5 may only be for PS3, but you can guarantee it will sell to pretty much everyone who owns one. And do you Yanks not have Singstar or Buzz! or something? They're ridiculously popular here in Oz.

As for Fallout 3, I think it will be a step down from Oblivion. Even among those who aren't callous cynics it seems that many people have twigged as to how it's ultimately fairly shallow and pointless. I wouldn't go so far as to say the bubble has burst, but I can't see it being remembered as the near perfect, "best RPG ever" so many were quick to tout it as. I think there's also a more growing cynicism toward the gaming media that will dampen its effectiveness as a marketing tool.

Marketing aside, I think the gameplay itself will offend more people than Oblivion, the main "strength" of which was blandly inoffensive play. The FPS crowd will resent the "chance-to-hit" mechanics, and will have a fairly broad selection of alternatives to spend their money on. I'm quietly hoping the "true" Fallout fans won't feel it's worth coughing up full price to satisfy their curiosity. So who does that leave? I'm thinking the same sort of person who bought Mass Effect, but even then, I think Fallout 3 will lack the cinematic style and tightly reined narrative that contribute greatly to its success.

Also, Bioware has a certain diversity in the settings it serves up to its cult-like following - Baldur's Gate, KOTOR, Jade Empire are all basically the same games with the same fucking characters and same formulaic design, but range from high-fantasy to high-fantasy in space. So being a Bioware fanboy basically amounts to liking their particular style of game and being open to visually different settings.

However, Bethesda's entire cult-like following are basically followers of the Elder Scrolls, and Fallout 3 shares neither the setting, nor the unrestricted sandbox style of play. It does bear similarities on both counts, so there will be crossovers, and at least as many fans who jumped on the bandwagon at Oblivion, but do the comparison:

With Oblivion, you had a long awaited sequel to a runaway, multi-million selling success. You had a game that was a "launch title" among a list of underwhelming alternatives with no competition on the "RPG" front, and nothing significant on the FPS front, and rave reviews. Praise Bethesda's marketing if you will, but it would've been pretty fucking difficult to fail with that set of favourable circumstances.

With Fallout 3, you've got an even longer awaited sequel to a modestly selling cult-classic, with a fanbase that is more zealous in its dislike than its praise - and a remarkable departure from what made the originals cult classics. You've got a setting that is a seemingly big departure from the one that has earned the developer its fanbase, gameplay that is a step closer, but still removed. You have a lot more 360 games to choose from, including quite a few that excel in the territory Fallout 3 tentatively steps into...

Fallout 3 will certainly get a lot of hype and shift a lot of copies - maybe it belongs on that list - but I don't think it will do as well as expected.
Do you think Fallout would be what it is today if it was, say, a movie or a book?
Actually, I don't understand your question clearly. Fallout 3 sucks, cause Bethesda sucks.
For me, Fallout by Rockstar much better, than Fallout in Bethesda interpretation, even if Rockstar's Fallout more action oriented.
Fallout as something else, not Roleplaying? Hmm... It's just my point, as book - no. As film - maybe. As TV series - yes (Joss Whedon's Fallout... :oops: ).
Or even an action game?
As action game like Half-Life 2, BioShock (hell no, BioShock not Action/RPG) or Gears of War - no. As open-world action game like Grand Theft Auto, Far Cry 2, as game with choosing quests, money and barter - yes.
What's Fallout 3 today? Silly FPS with Shitty RPG element, as I see today from couple previews and ugly screenshots. Just like Oblivion, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Xenus. As I said, not cause FPS or RPG sucks, but Bethesda.
I'm on interrogation? I live in KGB country, I'm not afraid of you :P
I mean, that good RPG better than Fallout FPS/RTS/TBS/Sim etc.