I care nothing about Dan Brown, either good or bad, and I don't read his books.
I care very little about whether or not his writing impunes or exposes Roman Catholicism.
I've ignored all Dan Brown related media hype. All of it.
Angels & Demons is a terrible movie.
[spoiler:d7421043a2]Let me see if I have this right. Ewan McGregor's plan was:
a) Murder the Pope.
b) Have his goon steal a vial of antimatter from the LHC.
c) Have his goon kidnap four of the preferitti.
d) HHG plant the vial of antimatter under the Vatican.
e) HHG send a video threat of the vial and the preferitti.
f) HHG murder the cardinals in four different churches.
g) Find the antimatter just before it detonates, but too late to stop it.
h) Grab the antimatter, jump in a helicopter, fly up, up, up.
i) Parachute out just in the nick of time to avoid being obliterated.
j) Having stalled the conclave, become Pope for his apparent heroism.
k) Use the power of the church to shut down the LHC.
Yes, that seems plausible. Good thing it went off the rails at step j.
Question: where did he get the money to hire the goon?