Animatrix - What did you think?

Ugly John said:
Second rennaisance : haven't they played Fallout ? any EM bomb would have gotten rid of their problem.

I think the whole Matrix-movie group have long ago proven they're incapable of logical thought
Actually both Second Renaissance's were directed by the guy who directs Neon Genesis Evagelion, and he made sure those dickheads who were part of the matrix had very little to do with it. It would have been easy for the machines to develope a shell capable of withstanding an EM blast.

For you Kharn :wink:
"Everything that has a beginning has an end"


Man, imagine the Matrix franchise turning into another James Bond

In Small Soldiers(that movie) the robots are protected by a satellite dish from an EM blast from a power converter on top of a power pole. But then again, movie's are bullshit.
Il ike anime in general, so I liked most of the animatrix, but the detective one wasn't that good...The first movie with the simulated fight wasn't good either, the fx were great, but nothing more... What I don't get is why a lot of people liked the matrix reloaded better than the first one...The first one was a lot better, when it comes to story at least...
I noticed the same early trend with lots of the fanboys liking the Matrix 2 better than 1. Why? Because they had it set in their minds that this would be a great movie. It was announced, and where I went "no way this'll be any good", they just went "oh my another Matrix this is just too kewl lolzors".

Ever heard of the hunter's blindness? That's when a hunter hears a sound and expects or wants it to be a deer or other animal so badly, that he doesn't see it's a human before he pulls the trigger.

Same thing here.
I basicaly do not care about the story, i want to be entertained for two hours.... or at least 9$ worth.
If i feel at the end that i got my 9bucks worth i'm happy. I go to movies not to think ... i do that already enough while working.
*prepares for flaming*

I liked the 2 more then the first. That is primarily because the first I had just seen after Dark City, the second is deeper, has some better diolouge and Keanu discovers acting, not to mention Monica Bellucci.

It had more flaws then the Matrix, but in my view the origional was alot of mediocre, and the Matrix 2 had some truly impressive scenes. Kind of a breed of Pulp Fiction and Andrei Rubulev, with a constant spiritual streek.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
the second is deeper, has some better diolouge and Keanu discovers acting
Uhh, what? *rubs eyes and looks again* Hey Kharn, is this known as "Matrix Blindness"?

If by deeper, you mean deep in the planet where the have the religious rave orgy, then yes. If by more dialoge you mean all the moaning and panting during the rave orgy, then yes. I can't help you with the Keanu thing though.
The Orgy was a little over the top. If anything, they should almost be Excomunicated for combining a metaphore for Christ with that scene, a la the guy who did The Last Temptation.

For the most part though, I do not think this is an argument that either side could win. I was inclined to like Reloaded because I had very low expectations, not liking the first. You are the opposite.
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
the second is deeper, has some better diolouge and Keanu discovers acting, not to mention Monica Bellucci.

Belluci is indeed a plus.

Keanu's acting is no better, but no worse either. Carey Ann-Moss is absolutely horrifying, though

The dialogue was pathetic. Not "I hate sand, it's grainy and gets everywhere"-bad (thank you, Josh), but still pretty damn bad.

As for deeper...Well, it attempts to be, I'll give you that much, but it isn't. Especially people respecting that Architects final monologue (with Keanu going "Duuuhhh, really?" or "Duuuuh, you mean Zion?" occasionally). The dude's just saying normal things, he only uses really difficult words to do so, making it SOUND intelligent, but it's still stupid


The orgy bit was ultra nerd, especially the bit where morpheus talks. Filthy people dancing on filthy ground. Absolutely filthy. Keanu's(what the hell kind of name is keanu, sounds like canoe) pasty white ass ruined the entire film for me but monica pasta softened the blow. And silk toilet paper man rocked. It's just the same as when the two towers came out. Everybody thought it was heaps better than the first because of the terribly directed helms deep scene yet the first one had so much more depth and size. Two towers was confined to some boring grassland and miranda otto made me want to puke.