Another Fallout 3 demonstration today

Some of the Fatman explosions looked much better this time around. Apparently it depends a lot on the angle and amount of bloom how visible the texture of the gas cloud is.
They are pretty strict controlling the flow of information, so I'm guessing they're only showing this specific set of features for the time being. PIPBoy, VATS, minigames and some main factions. It may be a while before they show any of the RPG elements.

It seemed like Todd was the only one there thinking violence is funny, the hosts didn't seem too impressed.

I'd prefer it if Emil was there to demo it, but I guess that is Todd's job.
Vasara said:
I'd prefer it if Emil was there to demo it, but I guess that is Todd's job.

Definitely, but he is, according to one of the devs, "home working on the game with the rest of us".Which I guess is a good thing.
Pretty disappointed with the showing. I figured there'd be more to it than what we've already seen over the past couple days, but I guess not. I'm not too pleased that they didn't show any RPG elements really, but I guess it's not too surprising as they didn't seem to have a lot of time to work with, and talking typically isn't as interesting as extreme violence.

13pm said:
it looked really stupid, when his legs were crippled and he still walked

That might've been a result of the ubercharacter mode he had going on.

what I found ridiculous from the previous demo too, that you can hack the computer or lockpick during the combat. And noone hurts you.

Was this different from the original games? I seem to recall being able to walk to a computer right in front of the final Enclave boss in FO2 and he didn't do dick about it even while I convinced the computers to blow him to pieces. I agree that it's not very realistic, and I'm not particularly a fan of it, but I've seen very few games that don't do the same stuff.

Enclave's armor looks more like Tactics's BoS armor, not Enclave's from F2

Yeah, though it stands to reason that this might be a slightly different Enclave. It's what, two generations since the second Fallout game? And the Tactics Brotherhood of Steel were in the East Coast with that armor. Plus that armor might just be widespread in various areas, there's nothing in Fallout lore that necessarily says that the West Coast Enclave would be identical to the East Coast Enclave.

Though honestly, I still can't figure out how the Enclave could even exist in a similar manner and be known as the "Enclave" in this time period. But maybe there's a reason... maybe....

Starwars said:
Ragdoll physics when Todd blew himself up were extremely bad

I didn't think so. It's no GTA IV but I thought it looked okay. What was so bad about it to you?

I really think the combat looks bad, both as a RPG and FPS.

I think it looked okay. Viscerally I thought the VATS stuff was pretty cool most of the time. I'm not really a fan of the Bloody Mess stuff, but I never liked it (and never used it) in the other Fallouts either. I think the physics and stuff are kind of messed up as a result of the Bloody Mess trait though. There were times when he shot people outside of VATS that they didn't explode in a thousand different ways and the physics looked good IMO. But it seems like whenever Bloody Mess is activated it causes some kind of internal bomb to go off inside these guys' chests and ignores the actual projectile physics of the bullets and stuff and instead just causes their limbs to fall into pieces as they drop.

As an RPG, you really need to define what you mean by that. An RPG does not equate to turn-based combat. If you mean it doesn't look good as compared to previous Fallouts, then fine, everything seemed more extreme. Where the previous Fallouts had a subtlety to their gore, in that they were extreme but also very realistic, such as when you shot somebody in the chest with a machine gun from point-blank range and half their upper torso would just get blown right off their body, or in another instance they'd just get pelted with about a dozen bullets and just drop to the ground with blood all over them, this game (so far, and hopefully just because of Bloody Mess) takes it even further, disregards the power of subtlety and despite their touting realism they seem to always go for limbs getting blown off and heads exploding. Despite it looking good, because of its frequency it feels cartoonish, which is not what Fallout was ever about.

Hopefully though, that's just a result of the bloody mess perk, and hopefully without it people will die more realistically.

As far as not being a very good FPS as far as combat goes, I disagree. Though I will say that, if everybody acts exactly as the NPC's in this demo did, then the combat will get old fast. Everybody just seemed to rush you, and while maybe that's okay for insane ghouls and shit, it better not be how it works with most others.

Also, Todd mentions how people goes off Downtown and gets pwnd by Super Mutants because of the high difficulty in that area etc... Kinda feel like there's gonna be a LOT (and I mean a lot as a lot more than even I expected from Bethesda) of combat in this game which is not particular inspiring.

Yeah, I agree. But on the other hand, most of the stuff that occurred in the Wasteland between locations was mindless combat you couldn't talk your way out of. Seemed like 3/4ths of the time that's what the random encounter was in FO1 and 2. If you look at it like that, then there might be a lot of combat between towns, but the towns very well might be completely different. It just means that "random encounters" will occur more frequently.

Though honestly, if you look at Oblivion, it doesn't sound that bad. Oblivion had its bad parts, if you ventured too far from the road the wildlife would frequently eat you alive, but the encounters with bandits and wildlife on the roads themselves were somewhat infrequent. Somewhat being that on any given trip between towns, you'd have one-to-three encounters like that, if you stuck to the main roads. But they weren't always purely violent, though they were frequently.

If that's how this works, then that's not that bad.
horst said:
its "modus operandi", you illiterate kaaskopp

Yeah I know. I always misspell it, somehow the adjective just doesn't make sense like that.

Tyshalle said:
what I found ridiculous from the previous demo too, that you can hack the computer or lockpick during the combat. And noone hurts you.

Was this different from the original games? I seem to recall being able to walk to a computer right in front of the final Enclave boss in FO2 and he didn't do dick about it even while I convinced the computers to blow him to pieces. I agree that it's not very realistic, and I'm not particularly a fan of it, but I've seen very few games that don't do the same stuff.

That wasn't during combat.

Obviously the difference is in nature: Fallout 1/2 was turn-based, so it made sense you weren't being attacked while making attempts at lock-picking, since it was your turn.

However, the world freezing up when you make a hacking attempt is really weak. If you're going for immersion, that just doesn't work. It was especially ridiculous in BioShock, where you could jump, freeze in mid-air and go ahead and hack while enemies waited around for you. Just stupid.

Tyshalle said:
It's what, two generations since the second Fallout game?

Nope. This is 30 years after Fallout 2.
Brother None said:
Obviously the difference is in nature: Fallout 1/2 was turn-based, so it made sense you weren't being attacked while making attempts at lock-picking, since it was your turn.

I guess, but it still feels like a copout. Though I'll admit, if they're going to change so much for immersion's sake then they ought to maybe go the whole way with that. Then again, they had a similar thing in Stalker with the PDA and inventory, and it could occasionally get frustrating to get shot at while searching around for something in your inventory in the middle of combat.

Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but it seems like Bethesda wants to avoid as much player-frustration as possible.

Though I agree with you about Bioshock.

Nope. This is 20 years after Fallout 2.

Is it? I thought it was 40. I thought this was 200 years after the bombs dropped, and Fallout 1 was 80 years after that, and FO2 was 80 years after FO1.... It's been a while since I played either of them though.
It's too late to watch the stream, but is there somewhere else I can watch this vid? I want to see what you guys are talking about.
Stiched said:
It's too late to watch the stream, but is there somewhere else I can watch this vid? I want to see what you guys are talking about.

If you have livewire you can just rewind to the appropriate time.
Eyenixon said:
Well I'm getting nothing, it just shows the words "LiveWire" and nothing else.

That's because it's not currently showing anything. Right below the start and stop button is a slider. Slide it back to 2:30 pm.
The fact that he was cheating a lot does make the game play a bit more understandable. Also I think the skill system they are using is an improvement over oblivion for whatever that is worth.
For some reason, unlike the other demo vids, I actually enjoyed watching this. The game will still need some modding (please, Beth release a CS!!!) but the vanilla game seemed more appealing in the IGN video (I guess in part to Adam Sessler not giggling like a school girl every time Todd shoots something).
* The hacking minigame requires characters to have a high science skill to even attempt it.

This would lead me to believe that lockpicking functions the same way, for all those people who say it should be character skill-based instead of player skill-based.

Makenshi said:
I simply can't play a game that forces me to see unrealistic and ultra-violent chunks of meat at every kill.

So you didn't play the original games?

Okay, that was a cheap shot, but come on. At least the disparity between where the bullet hits and the ensuing death animation is in the grand Fallout tradition.
terebikun said:
At least the disparity between where the bullet hits and the ensuing death animation is in the grand Fallout tradition.

Yes, it's not like Fallout was made 10 years ago. Do you honestly think that after 10 years Fallout should have "I critically hit you it the ass and leg for 209 hit points and all your limbs fly away" ?

I'll quote Denizsi from our beloved Codex.

You comparing isometric 2D abstract where the aim is abstract, to 3D "next generation" realism where the aim is realism, where irrelevant damage modelling between the two just doesn't add up

So, devil's advocates, please- use common sense.
Common sense is some people love tactics. Common sense is some games should be made for some people.