Any experts on analyzing PC data to help with my PC issues?

it is not as uncommon as you think.

when you use it, components heat up, when you stop using it or turn it off, they cool down. that allows for cards to shift or for dust to get in there.

if you paid attention, i brought this very issue up much earlier in the thread.

and i do not think its a hard drive issue, i think the issue is somewhere else. and it may not be memory but somewhere else. problem is without detailed testing methods ruling anything out is on you.

let me provide an example.

i am a network engineer. whenever a connected device is having a problem, you have to eliminate all the POFs ( point of failures).

1) source router processing unit
2) source router backplane
3) source router blade
4) source blade logic ( usually the ASICS )
5) source port ( gbic )
6) source connector ( cable connector )
7) the wire
8) destination connector
9) destination port
10 ) destination blade logic
11) destination blade
12) destination backplane
13) destination router proccessing unit

replacing the wire itself only tests 3 out of the 13 possible failures.
Best program I've found for testing hardware (such as a bad graphics card or bad RAM)

Download it, run it, report results. Me personally I run at 100% load all of these at once: 2D, 3D, RAM, Video, Sound. You can include Disk Drive if you want. Don't need to include CPU because if you run all those at once you'll be hitting 100% CPU anyway.

Also this can give general info in the case of the hard drive being suspected: