dalponis said:
Wouldn't it be grand if Fallout was open sourced?
Whoa, I think I need to go have a cold shower now...
As for the bug list, I'm going to cop out slightly and post it more or less exactly as it appears in my file o' stuff, i.e. somewhat shorthandish and incomprehensible. Most of the time it should be possible to work out what it means, e.g. "infi rematch if enclave and not prize" means you can get infinite rematches while boxing if you've beaten the Enclave but did not yet become a Prizefighter, and "guard delay reaction in ncr" means it's possible to piss off the NCR guards but not notice until later when you can't do much about it. You can ask if you want something clarified or if you want suggestions for fixes.
The first section contains stuff that either has been reported more than once, that concerns something known or semi-known, that I've already verified (but don't necessarily know the cause of), or that I noted down myself for whatever reason. The second contains stuff I got from one source only and that I haven't checked myself yet, so it could be someone hallucinating, surely not all of it though. I'd be interested to hear if others recognize them.
I picked the things that look like bugs, are not v1.0-specific and are not obviously engine-related, but I'm not necessarily saying everything mentioned here could or should be fixed. Also I didn't check to see whether you've already fixed these.
keith not let open door with permission... 1.0?
guard delay reaction in ncr
wedding bug (freeze) without kill any?
apath vic happens if knock down, then access inventory? or knock, then leave map?
vc, andy: "If you have two NPCs and the car you'll get the single-NPC rate, but if one of them is the Brain Bot you won't be able to heal them at all." [may need fix even after fixing the npc count bug?]
"Due to what is most likely a bug, Gruthar will turn hostile if you use any of the Steal, First Aid or Doctor skills on him, attacking the next time you talk to him."
Matt disappear "(even if he's standing right in front of you)"
bug: "If you have NPCs in your party when you replay the BoS bunker video sequence they'll be standing smack in the middle of it."
box: infi rematch if enclave and not prize + infi rematch if smart, not enc and fail speech roll
rem "chk lstfound if option" in modoc q2 (no box in newmap!) [needs the match_player_elevation thingy]
myron stash msg only if first golg visit, and talk myron before enter?
Navarro sergeant female proto?
cave robbers sometimes do not equip?
caravan deathclaws leave claws?
bug: dyna on doors make crash?
bug: "The Hintbook was supposed to set your stats to 10 and your HP to 999, but this fails for the same reason that causes the pariah dog Luck bug."
Can get stuck in MB - no fix?
salvatore float lockup after decline mission? [possible I got this one from you to begin with]
"I've found the only way to finish the quest is to have the Voice Recognition Module with me when I first visit V13. If I leave to get it, then he attacks me whenever I try to talk to him (aside from the first meeting)." [gruthar that is, v13 quest 1]
get robo rock launch + gecko breath from instakill + loot?
"If you let Festus install the Hydroelectric part for you (4250 exp.) and use the barter trick to keep the part, you can afterward do the "running way" and get 4000 exp. more to boost."
"if you complete Hakunin's quest before getting the bonus training from Cameron, you wont get the training"
"Due a glitch you can always pay the sum of Sulik release whenever you ask Maida about the Den. This is actually a good thing if you didn't manage to become Idolized in Klamath even after completing every quest."
stuck if use serum in lenny fight?
"Firstly, the brahmin that appear when the guy is attacked don't come infinitely, at least in all situations. I was standing right in front of the bridgekeeper, when a couple of brahmin came exploding, but after that there came one that didn't explode at all - just attacked continuously (not very dangerous

. I didn't kill it, so no more brahmin were summoned, and the keeper was eventually easy to kill. The other thing I noticed was that if you kill the geezer with an instant kill critical, you don't get any experience from him at all (I tested this a couple of times). It was actually hard to get the combat exp., since I had Better Criticals perk, and the guy always seemed to die of an instant kill before his 400 hps got depleted - I aimed to the eyes, because it seems to deal most damage, but it might also give instant kills more often (you probably know better

. I actually just ended up saving every time I got a normal damaging critical in, and loading if he got killed the "wrong way"."
Grisham - "To gain the 250 exp, one of the Brahmins actually has/needs to die. Also note that your town reputation in Modoc depends on how many dogs _you_ kill in the encounter."
"I have had myron cease to speak to me and just walk around doing his own thing, loosely staying close to me."
"1) In Gecko: You can't get quest 4 if you repair the reactor before talking to Skeeter."
"An infinite number of Jet vials can be obtained from Jagged Jimmy J after the first 2 he gives you for having a CH>5 and asking about his scar. After the first 2 that he gives you, he continues to give 1 free Jet each time you thank him and ask what else is in stock (this doesn't work if you just click the Barter button). By seeing JJJ's wares, and then saying done without bartering anything, your Jet supply can climb infinitely."
"There is a bug which I couldn't find on your guide where Myron's guards become obscenely interested in being near you (um... can we say frotteurism?). Before Myron is invited to join your party, if you steal in front of him he yells for the guards who run in and stand very close to you, running after you when you move. They won't attack you, but they are impossible to lock them in another room which can become extremely annoying. This can lead to them cornering you in tight areas permanently since you can't push them away due to them not being in your party."
"There is a bug with Hubologist hard drive formatting. Since mentioned requirements are met you can ask Dave Handy to format hard drive as many times as you like and obtain 0xp and positive karma bonus each time the drive is formatted."
"After you fix the Gecko power plant & talk to Festus (he gives you a disk to put into the Vault City's computer), go back to Vault City & talk to McClure, say you want to "optomize the powerplant" afterwhich he will say he wants to keep the economic disk (which was given you to by Gordon). end conversation & gain 750 xp. As far as I can tell, you can do this indefinately!"
patching UK with US removes VC sprites, re-UK patch fixes?
renesco gives caps for mine parts instead of take?
saving in mad brahm may corrupt?
Disable trade for Festus/Slim Picket/BH jail guard with key etc.?
Pariah dog bug? Possible script bugs out if about to set LK to >10 or <1