First time out of the vault

That happened to me and switching back to the original (patched 1.02) Fallout.exe file fixed the problem.
Dove said:Any ideas why I can't save games? I've never had this problem with the official patch.
Everything was installed correctly as far as I can tell. The game itself runs perfect, random encounters are as normal as I can tell, no bugs run into.killap said:Dove said:Any ideas why I can't save games? I've never had this problem with the official patch.
What happens? - Does it crash? Does it give an error message?
Also, are we sure everything installed correctly? - No patch000.dat is in the folder. Everything was copied over correctly. A new game was begun after installing my patch.
Ataraxia said:I couldn't find an answer to this k.![]()
Mogymog said:Ok, I fresh-installed FO2 yesterday and installed the newest killap patch. Didn't notice anything odd at first, all seemed to work fine. So I get to Klamath, I get Sulik, then go talk to Tor to help him. Well, I'm out there, kill a scorpian, kill the duntons, kill the rest of the scorps and talk to torr. He gives me the thanks and happy green text. I then went to pipboy to look at something, went to the quests part the Torr quest isn't crossed out, and on further notice it has Redding Listed and under it I've apperntly done the Window Ronney quest and Cleared out the mine, as both are ther eand crossed out. Despite the fact I haven't even talked to anyone about redding, where it is, or ever gone near it.. Which, makes for a rather odd development in the whole scheme of things.
Buying the false citizen papers from Wallace and then turning him in no longer prevents you from ever becoming a real citizen.
Actually, ignore that one. This is not an issue and it should not have been added to the list.Per said:How does this happen? I looked at the scripts and couldn't find any apparent reason. Buying the false papers sets GVAR_VAULT_CITIZEN to CITIZEN_SKEEVE_GIVEN_FAKE, turning him in does nothing in particular, and later when you talk to McClure you become a citizen unless GVAR_VAULT_CITIZEN is already CITIZEN_REAL_CITIZEN or CITIZEN_CAPTAIN_GUARD, in which case you obviously don't need it.
Description of Zip gun has been changed to reflect that a ST of 4 is needed, rather than 3.
Yes, I know. It was in an older version of my patch and I just corrected an error in the damage description. I realize adding the gun is not a true "fix."Per said:Z-zip Gun?
Corrected an error that could cause Chris in Navarro to end up in a looping dialouge.
Well, it is not technically a "loop" he gets in to. The issue is that he will say the same thing each time you return. The problem is that the if you provoke him and choose the attack option rather than the "what the heck are you doing" when he pulls out the radio, the variable that sets him angry is not set. So if you run away without hurting him and come back he will act like nothing happened and do the same dialogue options with you again. I believe it was set like this so that you were able to attack him before he could warn the base. The problem is, if you ran away, Chris would forget he is mad and act like nothing happened. Now, if you run away and come back Chris is angry and the base is on full alert.Per said:Could you say where I should look for this?
Killing Anna the ghost now sets her quest to failure.
I did not attempt to. I had fixed several other npcs so that killing them set their quests to failure when they died. I just did the same with her.Per said:You couldn't make her unkillable?
You can now install the fuel cell regulator yourself rather than having Smitty do it.
Yes, to some degree it does sound like an addon thing. I did, however, just keep the same repair difficulty that was used for installing the fuel cell controller. Repair check of 100.Per said:Seems like an add-on thing. Didn't you have to make up some Repair difficulty?
Having Badger siphon the fuel from the Hobbologist to the tanker no longer sets the variable of successfully completing the quest to get fuel for the Hubbologists. Instead the variable for filling the tanker is set.
Per said:Interesting, I didn't know about this bug.
Per said:Also, I found two new bugs concerning Lloyd in New Reno. Firstly, the script calls set_lloyd_traps on at least two occasions when it seems it should be set_lloyd_run. Looking at your corrections file just now, I see you've already fixed that. Anyway, node 950 also contains a Sneak check that should be a Traps check.
wolfsrain said:Here is a small problem in your last patch. The Westin quest to guard the brahmin it's not barred once you've completed it. You get the proper amount of XP, but the quest it's still marked as not made.
wolfsrain said:Weird thing. I've loaded a game prior of whacking Mr.Bishop in New Reno and the quest checked. But as you can see of the save that I've sent, which is after I've received the quest to kill Westin, got Westin counterproposal and used the assassination(the safe trap) on Mr. Bishop, the brahmin guard wasn't checked, despite the fact that I've made everything by the book and received the XP from the job.