Any way to get into Vault City vault after blowing up Gecko?


First time out of the vault
I'm playing a rat bastard character with ridiculously low karma and 1 Charisma.

I've blown up the Gecko power plant, and as a result, Lynette won't talk to me; she brushes me off even if I, say, have the Bishop holodisk to show her, or want to talk to her about cleaning out the raiders. McClure isn't really any help either.

I also only have 6 luck (after the NCR zeta scan's +2), so there's no way for me to pass the Citizenship Test, not even in theory. Is there any possible way at this point to get citizenship? I have Bishop's holodisk and the raider account book, and have done Stark's missions, although Stark tells me to talk to Lynette about the raiders, which I can't do because she hates me.

Would more speech/Charisma help me with Lynette, or is there some other way to get citizenship or into the vault? I'm using the unofficial patch, so I can't use the combat-move trick.
Nope. If you blow up the power plant, Lynette will hate you forever. So no to her. And there's no way besides the PP or Test. Sorry, you're screwed.
You could just kill everyone. Or does the RP lock the vault somehow? I haven't played in a while.

Anyway, welcome to cause&consequence, lesson 1. ;)
In official-patch Fallout 2, you can enter combat mode and cheese your way into the vault that way. In the Unofficial Patch, though, you can't do that anymore.

It's unfortunate that even if you kill everyone in the city, you presumably still can't bust your way into the vault somehow. Oh well.

Technically speaking, by using Mutate! to get Gifted, and Gain Luck, I could get 8 Luck, but then I'd still be 1 Luck away, and that would be a huge waste of perks.
G-Flex said:
It's unfortunate that even if you kill everyone in the city, you presumably still can't bust your way into the vault somehow. Oh well.
Stop presuming and start trying, and then just maybe, you won't be so unfortunate. :P

[spoiler:70169deec8]You don't even have to kill the whole city, one of the two vault guards is enough.
Also, the numbers cheat still work, if you are that desperate.[/spoiler:70169deec8]
I think people forget that you can do almost anything in Fallout and still finish the game. The "perfect" play through isn't necessary.
Darek said:
G-Flex said:
It's unfortunate that even if you kill everyone in the city, you presumably still can't bust your way into the vault somehow. Oh well.
Stop presuming and start trying, and then just maybe, you won't be so unfortunate. :P

[spoiler:6b65f3c86c]You don't even have to kill the whole city, one of the two vault guards is enough.
Also, the numbers cheat still work, if you are that desperate.[/spoiler:6b65f3c86c]

[spoiler:6b65f3c86c]Out of curiosity, what do you mean by "numbers cheat"? I know you can cheese the pariah dog scripting to get +1 luck from it, but that's all I know of. But no, I'm not that desperate.

It's good to know that either killap or the devs covered all their bases in the event of a player killing spree, though![/spoiler:6b65f3c86c]

Pixote: Oh, trust me, this isn't an optimal-style playthrough. Hell, I didn't even get gecko skinning, and I completely trashed Gecko, Modoc, and the Ghost Farm... not to mention totally locking myself out of the Sierra Army Depot by having incredibly poor karma, Berserker, and then the Wright family getting mad at me for being someone else's Made Man.
G-Flex said:
[spoiler:ca6ee587e0]Out of curiosity, what do you mean by "numbers cheat"? I know you can cheese the pariah dog scripting to get +1 luck from it, but that's all I know of. But no, I'm not that desperate.

It's good to know that either killap or the devs covered all their bases in the event of a player killing spree, though![/spoiler:ca6ee587e0]
[spoiler:ca6ee587e0]I'm talking about pushing a number on your keyboard when you are at the city map screen (the one that comes up the second time you enter a city). If you push "4" when you enter Vault City, it will take you straight into the Vault.[/spoiler:ca6ee587e0]
Haha, I didn't know about that!

So turns out I was wrong about both things:
[spoiler:8d5baed197]Not only could I get into the vault by pocket-detonating one of the guards, but I also got into the SAD. I was digging up graves in Golgotha for fun and found a map in a dead guy's boot.[/spoiler:8d5baed197]

Oddly enough, I managed to recruit Vic with 1 Charisma early in the game, but now if I let him go and try to recruit someone (including him), the game won't let me unless I pop some Mentats or use the shades. I'm guessing the Fallout wiki on wikia is wrong about being able to recruit someone with only 1 Charisma, or the conversation script with Vic when you first pick him up works differently from normal.
That's what I thought too, but I let Vic stay behind, and afterwards was unable to either re-recruit him or recruit a new member, even with no other party members. Weird. They gave me those "you're in no shape to lead anybody" type lines.
With Vic there is an extra charisma check to give a special dialog line if you only have 1 CH, but even without that it would still give you the 'crowded' message I think. I haven't checked the others but believe they are the same. If so then no, you can't recruit NPCs with only 1 CH, except for pariah dog, Laddie, Davin/Miria.
The Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide said:
Your maximum number of followers is equal to your CH divided by two, rounded down. Even if you don't plan to keep any company you might want to set it to 2 so you can at least pick up NPCs temporarily for xp and such.
Yeah, seems like that initial check with Vic after buying him from Metzger was the only time I could get an NPC without using Mentats.

In other news, it seems that neither Vic nor Skynet want to equip a gauss rifle. Weird.
G-Flex said:
Yeah, seems like that initial check with Vic after buying him from Metzger was the only time I could get an NPC without using Mentats.

In other news, it seems that neither Vic nor Skynet want to equip a gauss rifle. Weird.

I didn't think Vic or Skynet could equip the Gauss anyway. ? :question:
TorontRayne said:
G-Flex said:
In other news, it seems that neither Vic nor Skynet want to equip a gauss rifle. Weird.
I didn't think Vic or Skynet could equip the Gauss anyway. ? :question:
Both have the rifle animations, so they should be able to use them. Maybe their scripts are restricting it. :shrug:
Both Vic and Skynet can use the gauss rifle!
Skynet starts with his combat disposition set to unarmed, change it to ranged and he will equip your guns.
As for Vic, have you changed his combat settings to unarmed? If so that's your problem, though I think it's more likely that he has gotten one of his arms crippled. He should have some moaning floats if that's the case but maybe you just missed that?

Also, Vic does not join you if you buy him from Metzger with only 1 CH.
I have tested it with the latest Beta. Either something has changed or you remember wrong.
Darek said:
Both Vic and Skynet can use the gauss rifle!
Skynet starts with his combat disposition set to unarmed, change it to ranged and he will equip your guns.
As for Vic, have you changed his combat settings to unarmed? If so that's your problem, though I think it's more likely that he has gotten one of his arms crippled. He should have some moaning floats if that's the case but maybe you just missed that?

Thanks! With Skynet, it was his combat disposition being set to "Unarmed". As for Vic, I have no idea, because I know he wasn't crippled and his disposition was set fine. Could still have been error on my part of some sort, but it's a bit late now since I attempted and somehow failed to extract his brain.

Also, Vic does not join you if you buy him from Metzger with only 1 CH.
I have tested it with the latest Beta. Either something has changed or you remember wrong.

Hrm, I didn't even know there was a beta out. I'm using Is the beta version listed in the UP thread?

Anyway, yeah, maybe I'm misremembering, but, well, can't be sure and it's not really worth testing. It's entirely possible I took Mentats or something, although I didn't think I did.
Sorry if someone else mentioned it already, but I'd just use a character editor to temporarily improve my stats to pass the test. Then I'd just pretend that this was a feature in the first place, some sort of emergency back-up way to get citizenship - I don't think that if it actually was in the game, it would make it worse than if I just skip the vault (assuming that you really need to go in the vault).
You don't need to go into the Vault to finish the game. But the Vault does have some juicy stuff. :P