anybody here from Croatia?

Croatia is a nice country :) I've been in Montenegro once, but never in Croatia, but i do have to say i like the beaches of the adriatic :P

I'm from portugal by the way.
People, stick to the topic or shut up. It's bad enough having to deal with the newbie trash that crawled in this month.
So...back on topic... I'm from Croatia :)
I live in Varazinske Toplice but spend most of my year in Zagreb at college...:)
Croatia, Nazi puppets during WW2.
200.000 killed at the Jasenovac extermination camp.

After fascism, you turned to communism, with Tito as your great leader, for while you were almost a normal country. Then after Tito died and you got into a pissing contest with the other shitty nations in your former country, embarrassing Europe to no end.

Excuse me while I don't celebrate your great nation.
Mani said:
Croatia, Nazi puppets during WW2.
200.000 killed at the Jasenovac extermination camp.

After fascism, you turned to communism, with Tito as your great leader, for while you were almost a normal country. Then after Tito died and you got into a pissing contest with the other shitty nations in your former country, embarrassing Europe to no end.

Excuse me while I don't celebrate your great nation.

Wow, nice simplification, sparky.

Nobody expects you to "celebrate" Croatia , so why don't you fuck off, m'kay?
DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Mani said:
Croatia, Nazi puppets during WW2.
200.000 killed at the Jasenovac extermination camp.

After fascism, you turned to communism, with Tito as your great leader, for while you were almost a normal country. Then after Tito died and you got into a pissing contest with the other shitty nations in your former country, embarrassing Europe to no end.

Excuse me while I don't celebrate your great nation.

Wow, nice simplification, sparky.

Nobody expects you to "celebrate" Croatia , so why don't you fuck off, m'kay?
B'sides, I guess there are MANY other nations with darker pasts that Croatia's... :P
Coming from a country who never did anyone any harm*, I would like to say


Congolese don't count